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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Why did the turtle cross the tracks?

Date: 02/07/04 03:39
Why did the turtle cross the tracks?
Author: cinder

.....Because the pond scum is greener on the other side.

Date: 02/07/04 07:24
Re: Why did the turtle cross the tracks?
Author: rdg484

You put this up about a year ago. I printed the photo for my wife, who loves turtles, and it is still up on the refrigerator.

Date: 02/07/04 09:05
Re: Why did the turtle cross the tracks?
Author: sharris

Tracks are a real problem for turtles. They end up upside down in the gauge and can't get rightside up again. Of course at that point its lights out for them unless someone turns them over. I know we often times stop in the summmer, back up, and help the little guys across the rails...


Date: 02/07/04 09:26
Re: Why did the turtle cross the tracks?
Author: MTMEngineer

sharris Wrote:
> Tracks are a real problem for turtles.

They'll also find themselves high-centered, balancing on the rail, unable to get a leg against the rail to push themselves off, which is fatal.

Date: 02/07/04 10:23
Author: cinder

Yep....Posted this again for the "Oddity" judges....

Date: 02/07/04 19:21
Re: Why did the turtle cross the tracks?
Author: eno42

You could be the week 4 winner if you post this
turtle in the oddity contest right now.
First camels now turtles.

Date: 02/08/04 14:19
Re: 9 lives
Author: pramer

Cats may have 9 lives, but turtles lack something in their system that makes almost everything else alive to grow old. Accidents, therefore, are their ultimate demise.

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