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Model Railroading > The end of The Lone Star

Date: 07/27/07 10:51
The end of The Lone Star
Author: WrongWayMurphy

The Lone Star is a hot Denison, TX - Austin, TX all first class
daily train. The morning train to Austin seen in the first pic,
is full of hope and optimism as the drummers and lobbyists make
plans for a big day in the capital city. The evening train, seen
here in the second pic returning to Denison, is less conscious of
the days events, what with the bar somewhat in need of restocking
near the end of the trip.

Last pic shows the train backing next to the Texas Special for an on-time arrival.

Date: 07/27/07 14:45
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: Genesis803

Cool pics.
I hope to have a layout one day and I want to model mostly passenger trains. Of course the station would be the central feature. I would love to see more of your passenger station area.

Date: 07/27/07 16:50
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: tomstp

He's actually teasing you! He brings his trains over to my layout and takes pictures of them and then puts them on Trainorders like they are his. Shame shame, Shane.

Date: 07/27/07 18:36
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: Genesis803

tomstp Wrote:
> He's actually teasing you! He brings his trains
> over to my layout and takes pictures of them and
> then puts them on Trainorders like they are his.
> Shame shame, Shane.

Thats cool. Got any pics of your station area?

Date: 07/28/07 07:28
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Here is a pic of TomSTP's exact replica of the Fort Worth T&P station
I run my train by this station when Tom invites me over and serves me
beer & BBQ.

Date: 07/28/07 07:48
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: grandeguy


Date: 07/28/07 10:19
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: tomstp

Ya got me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 07/28/07 16:21
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: DKay

ArgyleEagle Wrote:
> Here is a pic of TomSTP's exact replica of the
> Fort Worth T&P station
> I run my train by this station when Tom invites me
> over and serves me
> beer & BBQ.

"Shiner" I hope Shane<G>
Regards,Daryl Kay.

Date: 07/29/07 12:54
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: TopcoatSmith

That red tail car reminds me that I have wanted to paint up some Walthers cars as the RI-SP Golden State/Rocket for some time ... sigh ...

TCS - you people are costin' me money ..

Date: 07/29/07 17:12
Re: The end of The Lone Star
Author: eddiejack102

Thanks I needed a good laugh.

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