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Model Railroading > Tangent PS 4740 upclose

Date: 08/01/07 16:11
Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: choochoocharlie

My son David works for the company that tooled this car and he took some close up photos of one that he built from the first test shots.

Date: 08/01/07 16:13
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: choochoocharlie

Three more upclose.

Date: 08/01/07 16:20
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: choochoocharlie

Last three closeups. Lots of crisp detail including teeth on the geared rail of the Bay door.

Date: 08/01/07 16:26
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: BN_FAN


Thanks for sharing. Exceptional detail on these that truly raises the bar for highly detailed freight car models. IMHO brass has been long left in the dust by the new generation of injection molded models. Compliments to Tangent, your son, and the other talented folks at what was described on one list as "that wonderful place in Oregon" or words to that effect. Tangent will be seeing an order from me shortly.

Doug Stark

Date: 08/01/07 17:23
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: tracktime

BN_FAN Wrote:
> C.C.Chas,
> Thanks for sharing. Exceptional detail on these
> that truly raises the bar for highly detailed
> freight car models. IMHO brass has been long left
> in the dust by the new generation of injection
> molded models. Compliments to Tangent, your son,
> and the other talented folks at what was described
> on one list as "that wonderful place in Oregon" or
> words to that effect. Tangent will be seeing an
> order from me shortly.
> Doug Stark

Outstanding work. Thanks to everyone involved in developing this fine model!

Best Regards,

Date: 08/01/07 17:33
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: Lighter

> Tangent will be seeing an
> order from me shortly.

Got my shipping notice today. I guess it's time to shuffle through my stash of HK hopper decals!

Date: 08/01/07 18:12
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: funnelfan

That is a great looking model. I'm thinking about a couple of MILW cars, but I don't know about much more than that due to the price. I just won four of the Life Like P2K 4427 cars for about $30 on E-bay, (Timesaver Kits).

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 08/01/07 18:46
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: rschonfelder

Yesterday, I fired off an order for 12. Then I went home and looked inside the MSB I have with delivery photos from the PS factory. It is amazing the number of hoppers which were produced in this config. Alot of proprietary companies and I saw that GN BSB, Northern Pacific in the original "BN" green. I am wishing that I would have bought some kits too because I have a good selection of Herald King decals which go nicely into this project.

The other thing to note is it seems they bring in #58 or is it #158 KD as standard couplers. Is this true?

Rick in Oz

Date: 08/01/07 23:57
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: fjc

These cars look really nice, thanks for posting the photos, will have to order some when I can. Anyone have a link to their web site, if they even have one (Tangent Models).



Date: 08/02/07 00:01
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: ESPEE5318

Date: 08/02/07 16:34
Re: Tangent PS 4740 upclose
Author: atsfman

Yep, got two kits undec coming, one of each. Really anxious now, even though I don't have the time to build them when they get here, let's see, call in sick? Stay up all night? gotta be some way to get them built.


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