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Model Railroading > Tangent PS 4740 vs. IM and Athearn

Date: 08/01/07 16:30
Tangent PS 4740 vs. IM and Athearn
Author: choochoocharlie

More pictures from my son David of the Tangent hopper next to an Intermountain 4750 hopper. Not trying to influence anyone, just offering a visual side by side comparison for your personal judging.

Date: 08/01/07 16:33
Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: choochoocharlie

Now for the comparison with Athearn's PS 4740.

Date: 08/01/07 16:37
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: choochoocharlie

Three more with the Athearn car.

Date: 08/01/07 18:39
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: rschonfelder

Wow !!!!

Date: 08/01/07 18:54
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: fjc

Nice looking car, though the IM is a 4750, forget what the Athearn claims to be in terms of cu. ft.

Date: 08/01/07 19:22
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: funnelfan

I always thought the Athearn model was based on this prototype (pic below).

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 08/01/07 19:30
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: funnelfan

and the end view.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 08/01/07 19:58
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: NSTopHat

The Athearn car is based off of the PS 4740, which is the same prototype as the Tangent Models offering.


Date: 08/01/07 20:01
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: NSTopHat

funnelfan Wrote:
> I always thought the Athearn model was based on
> this prototype (pic below).


The BN(SF) car is same prototype, missing the jacking pads.


Date: 08/02/07 05:51
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: drolsen


I was disappointed at first, because the Tangent model has solid running board supports, but it looks like in those photos that the BNSF prototype does also. Is this true of all PS 4740s? I thought that all PS covered hoppers had open running board supports like Plano's etched brass ones. Does this vary depending on the order or something?



Date: 08/02/07 17:02
Re: Tangent PS 4740 vs. Athearn 4740
Author: dh30973

drolsen Wrote:
> Guys,
> I was disappointed at first, because the Tangent
> model has solid running board supports, but it
> looks like in those photos that the BNSF prototype
> does also. Is this true of all PS 4740s? I
> thought that all PS covered hoppers had open
> running board supports like Plano's etched brass
> ones. Does this vary depending on the order or
> something?
> Thanks,
> Dave

Guys, I got this message from Dave Lehlbach, owner of Tangent Scale Models who is not a TO member and asked me to post:

>The Pullman 4740 roofwalk supports have a small rectangular opening in the bottom of each support that is about 10% of the overall support piece - in other words, the roofwalk support is mostly NOT see through except for that 10%. Because adding individual roofwalk supports would have raised the price, it was one of the few compromises I made with the model in order to keep the price reasonable for its overall level of detailing.

The question was asked if the couplers are 58s or 158s?? For the record, they are 58s.<

Dave Hussey

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