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Model Railroading > Passing of Noteworthy Model Railroad Pioneer

Date: 11/27/08 10:14
Passing of Noteworthy Model Railroad Pioneer
Author: wabash2800

I saw this posted on a another group and thought I'd pass it along:

"It is difficult and sad for me to say and even consider but, Don Drew,
president and owner of Pacific Fast Mail, passed away last Wednesday
from complications (pneumonia) of chemotherapy and radiation treatment
for cancer in his throat...he was not a smoker, ever! He loved skiing,
the solitude of a backpack and quiet trail beneath his feet, his
family and his trains/PFM.

Having known him for many years, his humour and love of life will be
sorely missed...he was a pilar in this hobby...responsible for many of
the innovations shown throughout the years in various PFM models. The
"Harrington" Shay which was loosely modeled after the Silverton
Railroad's #269 was named by Don, tongue in cheek, after himself...his
middle name was Harrington.. .

My heartfelt condolences go out to his family and many friends whom he
has touched throughout his 79 years of siezing all that was good in
life...go in peace my friend...


Phil Floyd"

Date: 11/27/08 10:37
Re: Passing of Noteworthy Model Railroad Pioneer
Author: fbe

PFM was always noted for their quality product. Models, parts, sound systems or books from PFM could be ordered sight unseen knowing the finished product would be top of the line. That is always due to an owner who cares about the product and his reputation.

Date: 11/27/08 11:28
Re: Passing of Noteworthy Model Railroad Pioneer
Author: Yardmaster

What a bad year for losses to the railroading/railfan/modeling kingdom.


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