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Model Railroading > Need help with trucks for IM's GN 12 panel boxcar

Date: 02/27/09 17:50
Need help with trucks for IM's GN 12 panel boxcar
Author: rschonfelder

I am putting together some of the original kits that IM brought out several years ago BC (Before China). I am just looking at the truck sprue included with this car. These are the ones where IM decided they needed to reinvent the wheel and make them into a sprue of truck parts even though history showed that the all-in-one casting worked fine.

Just wondering if anyone feels these work OK and (more importantly) are accurate? Is there is a better alternative from a commercial after-market truck available? Tahoe Model Works is doing some fantastic variants for the HO guys and I would welcome a better truck to make this kit jump off my bench and into the revenue pool.


Date: 02/27/09 18:44
Re: Need help with trucks for IM's GN 12 panel boxcar
Author: fbe

MDC had some with roller bearing upgrades to friction bearing sideframes which might be correct. I also believe the same molds were use under a Canadian brand. These also included bearing covers to backdate the trucks to friction bearings.

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