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Model Railroading > San Diego, CA Tehachapi Layout

Date: 05/22/10 15:26
San Diego, CA Tehachapi Layout
Author: zchcsse

I just arrived in San Diego for a brief visit and remembered the Tehachapi layout in Balboa Park. I can't remember the name of the place though or what their hours might be this weekend. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.


Date: 05/22/10 15:42
Re: San Diego, CA Tehachapi Layout
Author: MojaveBill

It's in Balboa Park... Google www.sdmodelrailroadm.com/ and enjoy! It's super!

Date: 05/22/10 17:48
Re: San Diego, CA Tehachapi Layout
Author: tgcostello

You are seeking the La Mesa Model Railroad Club's Tehachapi Pass exhibit. Museum is open tomorrow, Sunday from 11:00am to 5:00pm.

Tim Costello

Date: 05/22/10 18:07
Re: San Diego, CA Tehachapi Layout
Author: winstonhill

I'll be there tomorrow. Come on by, and I'll give you the Grand Tour.

Winston Hill

Date: 05/22/10 20:49
Re: San Diego, CA Tehachapi Layout
Author: zchcsse

Ah bummer! I did make it there today actually. VERY NICE! Thanks for the offer!


winstonhill Wrote:
> I'll be there tomorrow. Come on by, and I'll give
> you the Grand Tour.
> Winston Hill

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