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Model Railroading > Block signal help

Date: 07/17/11 07:12
Block signal help
Author: JLWII2000

The other day at a train show I purchased BLMA's modern single pole dual head block signal. I don't have a clue where to install it. I've got a 28 ft long by 6 foot wide rectangular layout composed of modules with a double main line that goes around the layout and a 6 row stub end yard of the inner line. Any suggestions on where to install it or basically can it go anywhere?


Date: 07/17/11 07:42
Re: Block signal help
Author: 1stcajon

Usually signals are placed before switches as they are used to tell the engineer what to expect at switches. Some times they are placed between switches if there's a long distance between them. Those are called intermediates. There's a variety of of signals out there. so do some reading. Here's a couple to start with:
If you can use Google you'll find alot more.

Date: 07/17/11 15:10
Re: Block signal help
Author: funnelfan

Generally you find block signals at Junctions and siding switches. Dual head signals are used with facing point switches to inform the engineer which direction he will go. A green over red will put him down the mainline while a red over green will put in the siding.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 07/17/11 17:02
Re: Block signal help
Author: Out_Of_Service

anywhere you want ... it's your railroad ... first rule in model rasilroading ... there are rules

Date: 07/17/11 21:23
Re: Block signal help
Author: TaylorUPBNSF

Well Ive seen your videos on youtube, and I would recommend installing a pair of them on each end of the double crossover you have. Although if you only want to install one of these dual head signals, I would recommend placing it on the main guarding the switch that is for movements between the main track and your 6 track yard.

Posted from Android

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/11 01:07 by TaylorUPBNSF.

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