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Model Railroading > A modeling opportunity? ....or not?

Date: 04/10/14 20:29
A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: markloos

Always looking for real life railroad modeling opportunities....not sure how this will work in HO scale...... ;-)
Mark <><

Date: 04/10/14 20:37
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: wattslocal

A nice way to get a standard gauge length of fire hose.

Watts local

Date: 04/11/14 04:36
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: RichM

I'd give the firefighters a break... and make two assumptions: the emergency dispatchers have called the railroad, and the hose jumpers are there because they're more visible red.

Still, it is pretty funny.

Date: 04/11/14 04:52
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: pilotblue

Thanks for the benefit of the doubt, but....after 34 years in the fire service the more likely scenario is...

"Hey, the fire is out and we're just standing by, let's throw the hose ramps down and take a really funny picture!" Knowing the sense of humor of the guys I've worked with, there is a good chance that's what happened.

RichM Wrote:
> I'd give the firefighters a break... and make two
> assumptions: the emergency dispatchers have called
> the railroad, and the hose jumpers are there
> because they're more visible red.
> Still, it is pretty funny.

Date: 04/11/14 05:27
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: railburner

Wow.....great pic ! Love it

Date: 04/11/14 06:57
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: tc

I was watching firefighters fight a brush fire in simi valley and they forgot to notify metrolink about the hose across the rails and u should of seen that charged hose fly the train got a shower then they learned to put the hose under the rail next time,

Date: 04/11/14 13:41
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: djansson

In the late 70's Safeway had a big warehouse in Richmond that caught fire and Richmond FD had their hoses over the SP tracks but forgot to notify the railroad. End result: many lengths of 4' 8-1/2" hose and a burned-out warehouse.

Date: 04/11/14 17:21
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: sp5312

Get a model of Super Dave in a motorcar launching off the ramps.

Date: 04/11/14 21:34
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: Shogun

It's made it's way all through facebook, and was on my page several days ago.....was wondering when it would hit TO.....

Date: 04/12/14 07:12
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: hoydie17

Given the style of crossbuck, this is clearly taken overseas somewhere....

Date: 04/16/14 06:16
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: toledopatch

hoydie17 Wrote:
> Given the style of crossbuck, this is clearly
> taken overseas somewhere....

I think the consensus is mainland Europe.

Date: 04/16/14 10:14
Re: A modeling opportunity? ....or not?
Author: chs7-321

toledopatch Wrote:
> hoydie17 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Given the style of crossbuck, this is clearly
> > taken overseas somewhere....
> I think the consensus is mainland Europe.

And that does look like a catenary pole on the right.....

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