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Model Railroading > The Texas Special, in Oklahoma

Date: 08/21/14 17:52
The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Specifically, the bridge over N. Boggy Creek near Atoka, OK

I scratched out the bridge and painted the Life-Like E7's to represent the
Texas Special after the Frisco pulled out of the joint train operation.

My home layout in Tyler, Tex.

Date: 08/21/14 19:11
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: Shogun

Pic has been up for over an hour and no snarky Bigfoot comments? Seriously?? You guys must be getting old.....LOL

So, where's the bigfoot at??

Date: 08/21/14 19:22
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: penncentral74

Yukon Yeti is combing his beard to get the fish bones out of it. Dang near lost his con-fu-ter because of a brush fire started when he was warming a can of beans he snagged out of a hiker's backpack

Date: 08/21/14 20:23
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: tomstp

Uh, I think the gorilla got covered in plaster but, knowing that thing, it WILL GET FREE and it might have a jolly roger flag with it.

Date: 08/22/14 04:59
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: hwb36604

that's some nice modeling, yet I don't see the legend anywhere

Date: 08/22/14 07:28
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: WrongWayMurphy

The next day our esteemed photographer went to the same location
and shot this special movement.

Date: 08/22/14 11:08
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: ATSF3751

WrongWayMurphy Wrote:
> Specifically, the bridge over N. Boggy Creek near
> Atoka, OK
> I scratched out the bridge and painted the
> Life-Like E7's to represent the
> Texas Special after the Frisco pulled out of the
> joint train operation.
> My home layout in Tyler, Tex.

The MKT Texas Special is not well represented by manufacturers. Some brass models exist, but none that would represent the train in the latter years after Frisco dropped out of the partnership (1959). Not even brass cars sides area available.

Date: 08/22/14 19:13
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: ssw

How was the pony truck of 278 rerailed on the bridge? Did the trainmaster use a banana for leverage?

Date: 08/22/14 20:37
Re: The Texas Special, in Oklahoma
Author: wabash2800

Man, those are some big bananas!

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