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Model Railroading > Athearn Automax Q and suggestions needed

Date: 01/29/15 06:08
Athearn Automax Q and suggestions needed
Author: calsubd

This new to me unit is having problems on a 28" radius (Athearn recommends min 26"), the diaphragm comes to far out and refuses return into the lead car, TIA

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

Date: 01/29/15 07:00
Re: Athearn Automax Q and suggestions needed
Author: santafedan

I helped a fellow molder some time ago about this problem. If I can find it in a search or in my photo file I will repost it. The short story is that I cut away a little of the diaphragm
I did not recover the photos yet. This was from 11 years ago believe it or not.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/15 07:04 by santafedan.

Date: 01/29/15 07:08
Re: Athearn Automax Q and suggestions needed
Author: Larry020

We had a donation at the club of this type of car. The owner
made longer drawbars for tighter curves, and added black
electrical tape to the diaphragm to keep it where it belonged.


Date: 01/29/15 09:54
Re: Athearn Automax Q and suggestions needed
Author: calsubd

Larry020 Wrote:
> We had a donation at the club of this type of car.
> The owner
> made longer drawbars for tighter curves, and added
> black
> electrical tape to the diaphragm to keep it where
> it belonged.
> Larry

Larry I installed the longer drawbar that came with it and I thought of the tape too, I guess I'm on the right track then, also I turned the car opposite direction ,now derails only in reverse , only I like to switch them, I guess the knife is last resort !

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

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