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Model Railroading > New HO Freight Car announcement from Moloco

Date: 05/22/16 18:18
New HO Freight Car announcement from Moloco
Author: tracktime

Just fresh off the wire.  Moloco announces a HO Scale PC&F 50' RBL with 9' 0" plug door soon to be available.
This car is good for at least SP B-70-9 and SSW B-70-5/5R Boxcars, with additional door and detail variations to follow.



Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/16 19:46 by tracktime.

Date: 05/22/16 18:51
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: SPDRGWfan

I just saw that email in my in box. As my wife would say, I'm all over that like a rash! Those will be purrrrfeCT for me. BTW Moloco are still having their aniversary sale until the end of May. I ordered a couple of their nice box cars.

Cheer's Jim

Posted from Android

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/16 18:29 by SPDRGWfan.

Date: 05/23/16 09:35
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: SPDRGWfan

Mark, I couldn't agree more.

When I look at my Rio Grande Odyssy DVD and the RIo Gande in Color books, it's evident that these SP and SSW box cars were very common across the D&RGW system in the 1960's and 1970.s.  While I used to be interested in the late 1980's and early 1990's, I'm finding I prefer the caboose era of the 1970's most of all.  Moloco and Tangent are ever more becoming my "go to" manufactureres of HO rolling stock, along with ExactRail and Atlas.

Is there any indication when those will be in-stock?

Cheers, Jim Fitch

Date: 05/23/16 11:31
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: obsessedfoamer

Those cars are expected next year some time.

Date: 05/23/16 18:22
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: dmaffei

oloco web site has a sale this month.  Anyone ever order from them? Who can you purchase Moloco models from? 
Thanks Harry

Date: 05/23/16 18:59
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: sixaxlecentury

I just ordered my first car direct, and got a shipping notification with tracking number the next day.  

Date: 05/24/16 06:16
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: SPDRGWfan

Yes, mentioned the sale in my first post and you can order direct.  Last year Moloco box cars were also being sold via Spring Creek Hobbies in Nebraska - I ordered a Moloco car from them at that time - the D&RGW single stripe yellow/silver car.  Im not sure if they are still a Moloco outlet or not. 

Moloco since last fall has a site in the US now that allows you to order from them and not have to ship from Canada, which was much more costly and made it overly costly to order a few models.  Shipping is free with 6 or more, but at the regular prices that was out of my budget to order $300 (6 cars) to get free shipping. 

The sale plus US warehouse definitely made it much more affordable so I put in an order for a couple cars during the May sale. 

Cheers, Jim Fitch

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/16 04:36 by SPDRGWfan.

Date: 05/24/16 17:22
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement from Moloco
Author: groundrelay

Now I won't have to scratch/bash all those MDC 50-foot plug-door boxcars I've been picking up at swap meets for my Espee/SSW boxcar fleet...........Thanks Moloco!!  Creere, Fergie

Date: 07/30/19 08:48
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: SPDRGWfan

obsessedfoamer Wrote:
> Those cars are expected next year some time. 

Next year was 2017 when this topic was last active.  I'm told they are still on-the-way but may be 2020 now, fingers crossed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/20 16:25 by SPDRGWfan.

Date: 07/30/19 08:57
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: grahamline

My last order from  Moloco (last week) took three days to make it from North Carolina to Oregon.
I appreciate the way Moloco and Tangent and a very few others manage to go about their business with so little drama, and a minimum of email ads.  Better product and less hubris.

Date: 07/30/19 09:42
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: WAF

Not showing on their website

Date: 07/30/19 11:23
Re: New HO Freight Car announcement rom Moloco Trains
Author: SPDRGWfan

WAF Wrote:
> Not showing on their website

Apologies WAF for necroing the topic.  The Plate B SP/SSW PC&F RBL's announced in 2016 appear to have been pushed off in favor of the other box cars produced since then, but from what I understand, they are still planned..

But to freshing things up a but, FYI, Nick sent out an email announcement recently announcing plans to do a series of box cars - I've essentially copied the content of the email into a topic linked below.


The list of planned box cars is impressive and ups the the ante for Moloco, but are still months away.  I appreciate the heads up in advance so I can budget for them as it's going to hurt my wallet!

Cheers, Jim

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