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Date: 07/26/16 15:50
Felt like a Vulture
Author: YukonYeti

Stopped by Caboose Hobbies in Denver.  Bare shelves is a under statement... Walking down the aisles, I felt like a vulture picking over the bones of the recently departed.  Still, some items left including a full California Zephyr but out of my price range.  The book section had some items left, some of them pretty dog eared.

Considering I first walked into that store more than 50 years ago, it brought home the fact how much things have changed.  

Back to to the high country and time to crawl back into the cave, there is no crap left.


Date: 07/26/16 16:06
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: wabash2800

But it sounds like CH is going to survive but at a different location. Though CH probably had to do some serious markdowns, perhaps some cash is in hand for the move.


Date: 07/26/16 16:08
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: toledopatch

Probably figured out that it was more economical to sell off the merchandise at fire-sale prices than to have to pack it, schlep it, and re-shelve it elsewhere.

Date: 07/26/16 16:26
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: HB90MACH

I was talking to them a couple days ago. There plan is mail order only now. No more store front. I have pre orders with them. You can still pre order and mail order. Just expect rough shipping times until they get settled in a ware house.

Date: 07/26/16 16:27
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: YukonYeti

That is pretty what they told me as well....


Date: 07/26/16 16:58
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: wabash2800

Yes, that's the plan, but it also provides quick cash.

Victor A. Baird

toledopatch Wrote:
> Probably figured out that it was more economical
> to sell off the merchandise at fire-sale prices
> than to have to pack it, schlep it, and re-shelve
> it elsewhere.

Date: 07/26/16 17:22
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: fbe

A hooked beak flying, tree dwelling yehti. Or is this a vulhti, maybe a yehture. I can't see this as a pretty picture.

At least you got to see the place once more before the doors close.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 07/26/16 18:00
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: santafe49

So, who will get the moniker of "Worlds Largest Model Railroad Store" now???
They have used that in their advertizing forever.

Date: 07/26/16 18:28
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: gandydancer4

It just moved to Deshler, Nebraska.

Date: 07/26/16 18:58
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: Streamliner

santafe49 Wrote:
> So, who will get the moniker of "Worlds Largest
> Model Railroad Store" now???
> They have used that in their advertizing forever.

It used to be in Culver City, but when that great juggernaut was passed to the new owners, for ONE STINKING DOLLAR, they stumbled, fell, made a mess of everything and then ran home with their tail tucked between their legs.  Very sad.

Date: 07/26/16 19:01
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: inCHI

Caboose was one of the few places I've ever been in that even had a hint of the vast array of detail parts, building, scenery, scenic details, vehicles, and other items that aren't trains. I was just working on some accessories (golf carts and lawnmowers) that I got there back in December when I was in Denver.

Date: 07/26/16 19:05
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: SPDRGWfan

It's a bummer that CH may be online only in the future.   I was hoping I would get to darken the door of the much talked about Caboose Hobbies some day, even if in a new location; oh well.  I have ordered from them many times over the years and hopefully they will at least continue the online presence.  People over at MR forums are playing taps but as Monty Python Holy Grail says, they aren't quite dead yet ... they might pull through.

Cheers, Jim Fitch

Date: 07/26/16 21:35
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: ACR_Ted

Won't they have to have a store front (retail operation) to be able to buy from Horizon and Walthers? I thought those two wholesalers required a store in order to do business with them. Maybe there are other wholesalers that don't require a store.


Date: 07/26/16 22:37
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: TCnR

Yep, a few things on order as well. They always ship out of Commerce City so I figured they had an office or warehouse out there.

Although it was a day or two before the visit by the Landlord, I'm pretty sure I picked up the last Altamont Press Central West Timetable. I was checking out the stack of Rock Island auto racks but didn't partake.

Maybe I should have the timetable framed after this trip...

Date: 07/26/16 22:47
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: mammothlacrosse

Commerce City is where the UPS facility is located

Date: 07/27/16 00:19
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: railwaybaron

A) Walthers & Athearn make their own rules so they can break their rules.
B) If they don't break their rules, in time they will go the way of the steam locomotive.
C) Yes, there are several wholesalers that don't require a store front, but they can't supply Walthers & Athearn (yet!) 
D) How many years was CH at the Broadway address and they didn't put anything away each month to buy the store?
E) Reminds me of the passing of the much loved Long's Model Railroad Supply.


Date: 07/27/16 03:37
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: march_hare

Man this makes me feel old. One of the best things about moving to Denver in 1979 was that my office downtown was a short walk from their location on 15 th Street. Well, I moved, they moved, but I still end up in Denver once a year or so, and a trip to Caboose Hobbies was always on the itinerary. I always walked out with a bag that had stuff in it I not only wasn't looking for, but in most cases some stuff I hadn't known existed. 

Date: 07/27/16 05:53
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: Lighter

> D) How many years was CH at the Broadway address
> and they didn't put anything away each month to
> buy the store?

Might never have been for sale.  Commercial property follows different rules from homes.

Date: 07/27/16 06:57
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: bnsftcdiv

gandydancer4 Wrote:
> It just moved to Deshler, Nebraska.

The last time I was in both places on the same trip, Spring Creek kicked Caboose for in stock and great service.....

Dave Burman
modeling the modern Twin Cities

Date: 07/27/16 07:10
Re: Felt like a Vulture
Author: RichM

Slight digression, not intending to hijack the thread...

I found myself in Indianapolis a few years ago and ended up at Big Four Hobbies. I'd never been there before but knew they advertised a lot and comments were always positive. What I didn't realize was the shop had just announced it was closing. Large inventory, and I bought some things, including a locomotive. I apologized to the owner, as, like some of the sentiment here, I felt like I was picking the carcass as well. Great guy, I was sorry I hadn't been shopping there before.

So, my takeaway since then is, when I'm traveling, I try to patronize the folks who are still out there.

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