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Model Railroading > Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?

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Date: 01/10/17 13:56
Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: Larry020

Enquiring Minds Want To Know!


Post Script  I took the image from an email from overlandhobbies.com 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/17 16:41 by Larry020.

Date: 01/10/17 14:11
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: dcfbalcoS1

          So, what the heck is a 'foobie' so we can answer your question ?

Date: 01/10/17 14:17
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: SP4360

It's a millennial thing.

dcfbalcoS1 Wrote:
>           So, what the heck is a 'foobie'
> so we can answer your question ?

Date: 01/10/17 14:25
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: pal77

dcfbalcoS1 Wrote:
>           So, what the heck is a 'foobie'
> so we can answer your question ?

He is asking if the models really existed or is athearn appling some creative licencing.   And I'm not a millenial, heck are there any millenials in our hobby :}

Date: 01/10/17 14:41
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: irhoghead

What's a millennial? Does it come in Genesis or Ready to Roll?

Date: 01/10/17 14:53
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: LarryDoyle

Not even Google can find 'Foobie", on my Android.

On my laptop, Google gave me, "Foobie, a compound word made up of fake, and boobies.

I think when I was in high school we called them "falsies".

[Edit]  What has this to do with boxcars?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/17 14:56 by LarryDoyle.

Date: 01/10/17 15:08
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: map

I suppose if you buy them and the prototype didn't exist, you would feel like a boob?


Date: 01/10/17 15:13
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: rschonfelder

Is there anybody in this thread who isn't an "old fart"?

You guys have made my day.


Date: 01/10/17 15:20
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: LarryDoyle

rschonfelder Wrote:
> Is there anybody in this thread who isn't an "old
> fart"?
> You guys have made my day.
> Rick

At 73, I hadn't thought so until you mentioned it.  But, obviously, the Original Poster and I are separated by a few years.  How 'bout you?


Date: 01/10/17 15:34
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: Bob3985

No problem, I have seen and photographed the prototypes of those cars.

Bob Krieger
Cheyenne, WY

Date: 01/10/17 16:16
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: RAS

Foobie discussion aside, these cars are the old MDC "FMC Plug Door" boxcars. These are the same cars made by ExactRail, shown here:

For the Athearn cars, they are only "correct" for the MDW and NOPB cars. The ATSF cars had a flat (not peaked) roof and were slightly taller. I believe the BNSF car is a stand-in at best, and the CN car is meant to represent a class of cars CN converted from sliding door cars.

​So, in other words, correct for a few versions, stand-ins for the rest.


Rick Selby
Redmond, WA
Pacific Northwest RPM

Date: 01/10/17 16:19
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: skyboxTTX

Foobie is a term begun over on the old Atlas Forum. It means that the paint scheme is inaccurate for the car. Like putting the modern ARMN scheme on a wood reefer. Atlas is well known for foobies and several manufacturers have followed suit. The car shown from at least some of my searches for photos are foobies. The cars look close but are built by different railcar manufacturers. 

Date: 01/10/17 16:36
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: Larry020

Thanks Everyone for the responses, and Rick for the answer.  We will spend our club money wisely.


56 and living the dream...

Date: 01/10/17 16:37
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: dal3294

The BNSF car is a stand in, google the car number and its clear that the door is slighly different as is the bottom edge/floor of the cars.

-Ryan N.

Date: 01/10/17 16:55
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: JLW2K

pal77 Wrote:
> dcfbalcoS1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> are there any millenials
> in our hobby :}

Me!  Although my hairline wouldn't indicate so I am a millenial...and not the stereotype bratty, trophy for everybody, give me everything without working hard ones like some of them that give our group a bad name.

-James Wright Omaha, NE

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/17 17:32 by JLW2K.

Date: 01/10/17 17:30
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: SPDRGWfan

RAS Wrote:
> For the Athearn cars, they are only "correct" for
> the MDW and NOPB cars. The ATSF cars had a flat
> (not peaked) roof and were slightly taller. I
> believe the BNSF car is a stand-in at best, and
> the CN car is meant to represent a class of cars
> CN converted from sliding door cars.
> ​So, in other words, correct for a few versions,
> stand-ins for the rest.
> -Rick

I recalled Pastor Bob commenting tha the old MDC version of the ATSF car had a flat roof too and is there for a  foobie, or fantasy model for those who that works for better.

Cheers, Jim Fitch

Date: 01/10/17 17:40
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: grahamline

These are the cars we run in our club op sessions to fill out the fleet. In some cases, they're as authentic as Marilyn Monroe's blondeness (for all the old folks) but they are fine in a train passing by. Not something you would exhibit at a RPM (that's Railroad Prototype Modelers) meet. 
Myself, I'm gravitating toward modeling contemporary Austrian railroading because the few potential critics are always polite and will buy the first beer.

Date: 01/10/17 19:24
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: EricSP

irhoghead Wrote:
> What's a millennial? Does it come in Genesis or
> Ready to Roll?

I think it was Lone Star's spaceship in Star Trek.

Date: 01/10/17 21:49
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: SP4360

Wasn't that Space Balls? Ludicrous Speed!!!!!

EricSP Wrote:
> irhoghead Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's a millennial? Does it come in Genesis or
> > Ready to Roll?
> I think it was Lone Star's spaceship in Star Trek.

Date: 01/10/17 23:14
Re: Athearn Announcement, but Are They Foobies?
Author: railwaybaron

RAS Wrote:

> ​So, in other words, correct for a few versions,
> stand-ins for the rest.
> -Rick

You could paint a bread box in Rio Grande and I'd buy it.

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