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Model Railroading > Electric locomotive sound decoders

Date: 06/14/21 08:13
Electric locomotive sound decoders
Author: fbe

Is anyone still making DCC sound decoders for electric or interurban locos?

Date: 06/14/21 11:00
Re: Electric locomotive sound decoders
Author: mcdeo

Yes, ESU LOK Sound: http://www.esu.eu/en/start/

You can even upload your own sound files if you have them recorded. 

Mike ONeill
Parker, CO

Date: 06/14/21 12:39
Re: Electric locomotive sound decoders
Author: Frank30

Good afternoon:

My ears stood up at your question.  Wondering if I missed something during the pandemic.
Last I heard SoundTraxx  did an Electric decoder in 4 varieties.  If your favorite supplier does
not have them, I have 3 varieties available, send me a PM for item #s and $$.


Date: 06/15/21 06:33
Re: Electric locomotive sound decoders
Author: fbe

Soundtraxx has 4 different electric motor sound decoders. I haven't taken time to listen to the sound files to determine applicability to the BA&P boxcabs.

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