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Model Railroading > Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2Date: 08/01/22 17:59 Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: sixaxlecentury Just learned about this. Bob posted here often about his modern day Penn Central layout.
https://www.workboat.com/people-products/bob-hill-pioneer-of-the-atb-passes-away-at-69 Date: 08/01/22 18:00 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: SPDRGWfan Dang! Too young.
Posted from Android Date: 08/01/22 18:09 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: ChrisCampi Very sorry to hear this. I was curious why he stopped posting. RIP.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/22 12:24 by ChrisCampi. Date: 08/01/22 18:11 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: icancmp193 Always enjoyed his layout pics. It was quite an undertaking! And.....too young.
TJY Date: 08/01/22 18:30 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: atsf121 So sad, way too young. I really enjoyed his modern Penn Central, he was very ambitious.
Nathan Posted from iPhone Date: 08/01/22 18:52 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: calsubd R I P, Condolences to his family and friends
Ed Stewart Jacksonville, FL Date: 08/01/22 20:00 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: PasadenaSub Oh no, I really liked following his modern Penn Central concept. Way too young.
RIP Bob. Date: 08/01/22 21:20 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: dcmkris My condolences to his family, may he rest in peace. 69 just doesn't seem fair, almost like he
was robbed of enjoying the last 1/3 of his life. Loved his concept & modeling. Really looked like an amazing layout he was buidling up. Kris Date: 08/02/22 12:24 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: JUTower I always enjoyed Bob's posts, full of enthusiasm and positivity. Was a neat layout with a lot of operations.
Condolences to his friends & family. -Alex Date: 08/02/22 16:47 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: WrongWayMurphy Ahh the handle makes sense now. NAVal ARCHitect.
I too enjoyed his modern day Penn Central. Sad he is gone now. Date: 08/02/22 17:31 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: fs321a Very sad news. RIP.
Jon in AZ Posted from Android Date: 08/02/22 17:51 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: gonx Condolnces to his family
Date: 08/03/22 00:02 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: MrMRL Gonna miss the fella. I'm frankly amazed it's been over a year since his last regular comments on Trainorders.com
~ Mr. MRL Date: 08/03/22 13:15 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: TomG A very sad loss. I will miss posts and his helpful information on his layout construction. Sure seems to be a loss of a lot of good people in the modeling community lately.
Date: 08/03/22 15:07 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: SPDRGWfan Too many!
Date: 08/03/22 16:30 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: up421 Very sad to hear of his passing. I enjoyed his posts about his layout.
Condolences to his family and friends. RIP.. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/22 16:31 by up421. Date: 08/03/22 17:55 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: RailThunder Prayers for his family. He was also a wonderful resource for marine modeling and helped me with some information a few years ago for my port area.
Date: 08/04/22 07:03 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: RGDave Sad loss, way too young. It is hard to believe we will see no more posts about the modern PC, which I thought was a neat concept for a layout.
Best wishes to his friends and family in a dark time. ~Dave Date: 08/04/22 17:34 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: wabash2800 Yes, I liked his concept and seeing the progress on the layout. Anyone know what the cause of death was?
VIctor B. Date: 08/05/22 01:01 Re: Passing of Bob Hill - navarch2 Author: Kemacprr I sold Bob some Holgate and Reynolds brick sheets a few years back. We met at the Springfield Mass. show. Really nice guy and we are both PC fans. I loved seeing his photo's of his railroad as it progressed. I tried contacting him earlier this year to see if we could meet at Springfield but I never got an answer. I'll miss his posts and glad I got to actually meet him. My condolances to his family. ----- Ken