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Model Railroading > ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flashDate: 09/14/22 11:35 ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: NYCStL776 I am hopeless at reading ESU’s CV tables so hopefully someone will know, what CV shuts off the alternating flash for the ditch lights? Thanks in advance
Date: 09/14/22 11:48 Re: ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: dh1205 Try setting these CVs,
CV31 = 16 CV32 = 8 CV309 = 0 Date: 09/14/22 14:30 Re: ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: audiom do you have a loksound programer, would be very simple under, function outputs, aux1 and aux2 uncheck alternate phase and uncheck grade crossing. i think cv 31, cv32 are sound cvs.
Date: 09/14/22 15:19 Re: ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: TCnR You can download the ESU programming software whether you have the ESU Programmer or not and use the menu selection to show a list of CV's and data values for a particular function. Then use your favorite method of loading the CV's.
Having been through that it's pain in the caboose, much easier to use something like JMRI Decoder Pro and a USB to DCC bus converter with an old Laptop. Or the formal ESU programmer at twice the price but very useful for loading sound files. Hope that helps. + It's shown on a YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SYZIOXiR2s Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/22 11:25 by TCnR. Date: 09/14/22 15:28 Re: ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: mcdeo If using ESU decoders, software is very easy with using their decoder device. It also comes in handy to test decoders before installing them in a locomotive. Has saved me more headaches than I care to mention and I don’t have to know any CV values.
Posted from iPhone Mike ONeill Parker, CO Date: 09/14/22 21:11 Re: ESU Loksound V5 shut off ditch light flash Author: KA7008 Make sure you're choosing "ditch light type 1"
I think "type 2" is always flashing. |