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Model Railroading > Allen McClelland

Date: 10/29/22 08:01
Allen McClelland
Author: Spoony81

Got word last night in an email group and I saw it again this morning on a Facebook post. Allen McClelland who is a big influence for many in this hobby had a massive stroke and is not doing well.

Dick Elwell of Hoosac Valley fame just recently passed away.

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/22 08:01 by Spoony81.

Date: 10/29/22 09:21
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: lajrwc1

Tony K posted the terribly sad news that Allen had passed away Friday afternoon.

With all the well-deserved accolades that Allen will undoubtedly receive for all that he and his landmark V&O layout contributed to the hobby, the thing I'll remember most is that one would be hard pressed to find a nicer, more accommodating guy anywhere.  I was fortunate to operate his original V&O layout twice, and I literally wore out several copies of "The V&O Story" during my business travels.

Rest in peace Allen......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/22 16:39 by lajrwc1.

Date: 10/29/22 09:38
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: SPDRGWfan

I read the sad news last night on the MCFL.

Date: 10/29/22 10:50
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: pilotblue

I met Allen at the Atlanta NMRA convertion many years ago. Very pleasant, we spoke for several minutes about the Thurmond WV. area on the C&O and the associated coal branches. He knew his stuff. RIP Allen, nicely done!

Date: 10/29/22 14:26
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: dbrcnw

Like so many others, sad to hear this and condolences to the family and friends.

I actually had the chance to operate on Allen's home layout a very long time ago.


Date: 10/29/22 20:43
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: bobdavis

Like several other posters, I also had the opportunity to operate on Allens' V&O once, back in the mid 90s.  Several of us drove out to Dayton from eastern PA for that session.  The railroad was not huge by any means, but beautifully designed for operations and ran like a Swiss watch.  The session was a total good time, and as others said, Allen was a real gentleman and a gracious host.  My copy of "The V&O Story" is in pieces after being referred to again and again in the design and operation of my own model railroad.  A true giant of the hobby.  


Date: 10/29/22 21:27
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: atsf121

Sad news indeed, he was one of the names I remember from the magazine articles in the late 80’s/early 90’s when I was reading MR at the library after high school track practice. Because of folks like him, I wanted to build a prototype railroad to model what I saw at the time. He’s one of the legends, may he rest in peace.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 10/31/22 19:43
Re: Allen McClelland
Author: ProAmtrak

When I heard about it I was saddened too, he was building a new line after tearing his original out when he moved, one thing I really liked is how he was the 1ST who went linear on layout design and how it took still a few decades for that to be accepted since most still thought duckunders where the way to go, I for one will try not to go the old school route, still don't get why that was the standard for so many years!

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