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Model Railroading > Train Barn in Portage MI

Date: 11/12/22 10:02
Train Barn in Portage MI
Author: GAPRoute

Does anyone know the status of the Train Barn in Portage Michigan? It was a retail hobby shop with a very large Lionel layout in the second floor.The layout was featured in the very first issue of the "Classic Toy Trains" magazine. It used to be open to the public for a small fee.The owner passed away a few years back. At one time there was talk of the city of Portage taking it over but a major problem was handicapped accessibility to the second floor. Since then I have heard nothing. Has anyone heard anything currently?

Date: 11/12/22 22:11
Re: Train Barn in Portage MI
Author: up833

Bits and pieces on the web would indicate downstairs stock was sold off in 2020 and the upstairs layout rolling stock sold via a local hibby shop in 2021.   Wife may be holding onto his world famous buildings.

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