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Model Railroading > SD60M shell removal

Date: 01/16/23 19:44
SD60M shell removal
Author: cn1063

My apologies if this has been covered in a thread already, but has anyone out there had any issues removing the shell from an Athearn Genesis SD60M? I have a pair of CP SD60Ms that I am trying to install Loksound decoders, I have removed the couplers and two screws on either side of the fuel tank, but it feels somewhat hard to remove at the back of the locomotive, any thoughts?

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/16/23 21:32
Re: SD60M shell removal
Author: sp8234

Remove the fuel tank to get access to screws that let the shell move off the frame & gently wiggle the body off. 


Date: 01/17/23 08:30
Re: SD60M shell removal
Author: SCUfoamer

Remove the fuel tank to access more screws, and the flat head screwdriver tip works well to free the shell. There is also a chain that will break which is a really nice detail piece, but frustratingly is attached to both the shell and trucks. 

Date: 01/17/23 22:44
Re: SD60M shell removal
Author: tracktime

> Remove the fuel tank to access more screws, and
> the flat head screwdriver tip works well to free
> the shell. There is also a chain that will break
> which is a really nice detail piece, but
> frustratingly is attached to both the shell and
> trucks. 

If you use a sharp pair of tweezers, you can separate the chain from the hook on the shell first before removing the shell.


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