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Model Railroading > Exciting presenter news, Pacific Model Loggers' Congress

Date: 01/24/23 11:55
Exciting presenter news, Pacific Model Loggers' Congress
Author: Jeff_Johnston

Exciting news for our March 4th Pacific Model Loggers' Congress event! Bethan Maher, the Executive Director of the Western Forest Industries Museum / Mt Rainier Scenic Railroad, will be speaking and will bring us up to speed on what's happening there. This is the straight scoop and should put to rest some of the rumors that have been flying around about the place. Come on out, hear for yourself, and have your most pressing questions answered.


 "Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad at Fifty: The Past, Present, and FuturePresented by Bethan Maher, Executive Director of Western Forest Industries Museum / Mt. Rainier Scenic RailroadMt. Rainier Scenic Railroad from the organization's founding in 1980 by Tom Murray Jr. to the current effort to restore the railroad and museum to operation. What will the Mt. Rainier Scenic look like at fifty? A presentation on the current effort to restore the railroad to operation and the importance of creating personal connections to our area's logging and railroading heritage."

As a kickoff speaker we have Martin E. Hansen doing a presentation on “When SP&S Moved Dead Logging Locomotives.” Martin’s presentations are always alive with great photos from his collection and fun information to back up those photos.

Nick Lehrbach will be speaking on Coos Bay lumber and has a movie to show as part of his clinic, and Greg Baker (if Amtrak delivers him back to Portland on time) plans a clinic on improving Woodlane Scenics ready-to-run evergreen trees and possibly others.

Nick's Coos Bay material will be terrific as that's a line we haven't seen much at our event in the past. Tree-making is important for our logging modeler fraternity so Greg's clinic will add to the knowledge database on the subject. All clinics well worth seeing!
Our lineup is looking better every day!
Jeff Johnston

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/23 14:54 by Jeff_Johnston.

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