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Model Railroading > A walking trip around the layout

Date: 01/27/23 15:35
A walking trip around the layout
Author: santafedan

I am learning the art of video editing.  Here is a walking tour of the layout.
I have posted many photos and an occasional video of the layout but not the whole thing.
The minimum radius is 30 inches in spite of one scene looking sharper.
I hope you like it.  It was hard to get it down to TO size.

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Date: 01/27/23 16:31
Re: A walking trip around the layout
Author: BlaineM

Beautiful layout, scenery, rocks, ledges, mountains and back drops.  AAA you have done great.
Now how about another video of trains in action?
American Fork

Date: 01/27/23 16:55
Re: A walking trip around the layout
Author: TomG

Thats a fine looking layout. Great job.

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