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Model Railroading > Any help would be fine.

Date: 02/03/23 19:28
Any help would be fine.
Author: Woodman

Last weekend I went to a train show and found two 1979 Walther's 70' Pullman coaches for $5 each.  I love to make models and do a fine job of making them.  I have made just about every wood kit LaBelle has made.  But, I have never made one of these older Walther's kits.  If any TO people have made them, what advice would you have for me due to your experience?  I have learned to use good glue and fishing line for truss rods on all LaBelle stuff.  Thanks ahead for any help that might make the kit better. 

Date: 02/03/23 20:23
Re: Any help would be fine.
Author: wabash2800

Are these models of heavyweight cars made with die cast metal? If so, I think modelers used Walthers Goo for these models.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/23 20:24 by wabash2800.

Date: 02/03/23 20:46
Re: Any help would be fine.
Author: railstiesballast

Drilling the sheet metal sides for grabirons was very intimidating.
I tried to solder them on with only partial success.
Glad to have seen the last of them.

Date: 02/04/23 05:05
Re: Any help would be fine.
Author: Woodman

Yes to the first question,, they are heavy weights.  These have plastic sides and top. Well painted and they look nice. I will use Goo where I can.

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