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Model Railroading > The Iceman cometh

Date: 02/04/23 08:00
The Iceman cometh
Author: WrongWayMurphy

I'm not speaking of George Gervin.

Here in East Texas we had a bad ice storm.  I'm into day 5 with no power,
though I borrowed a generator from a friend and have the icebox running, 
hot water, and heat to half the house.

The Texas & Gulf was damaged due to a large pine branch falling on the roof 
of the layout, I mean headquarters, and poking a hole through the metal roof,
through the insulation and out the sheet rock inside. It also knocked over the mini-split
A/C unit though it stayed on the now bent bracket and the copper refrigerant lines appear
to still be in tact. The melted ice and insulation fell onto this river scene, could be worse I guess.

We will rebuild !

Date: 02/04/23 08:14
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: BAB

Looking at the backdrop some tree trimming needs to be done. Bad deal am doing a neighbors house he is too frail so will help him out before the same happens to him.

Date: 02/04/23 08:18
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: MacBeau

My sincerest sympathies, and nice layout work. Godspeed in the recovery.

Date: 02/04/23 09:07
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: funnelfan

Damn! I know Texas had a really bad ice storm a year or two ago as well. That seems unusal for down there from what I know from afar. Does Texas usually get cold enough during winter to freeze up, or is it just the combination of freezing weather and rain at the same time that is unusual? Up here in the inland northwest freezing rain is unusal because it typically just comes as snow. The now load on everything typically removes the weak tree branches, power lines or weak roofs keeping the destruction to a manageable level during icestorms. Freezing rain is far more typical west of the Cascades in the PNW.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 02/04/23 09:19
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: wpdude

A hard freeze is not uncommon in east Texas, but an ice storm is not welcome! I'm still shaking my head looking at the mini split! Damnit!

Date: 02/04/23 09:22
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: jgilmore

WrongWayMurphy Wrote:
> I'm not speaking of George Gervin.

Well, one thing he could do was finger roll...


Date: 02/04/23 10:05
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: sfn2633

I feel for you!  Here in Kansas we commonly get ice and it is not fun.  However, one of the worst ice storms I was ever in was around DFW.  So I know it happens further south, just not as often.
I know it is a real defeating feeling to see your model railroad damaged unexpectedly.  My experience was with basement flooding, not good to the layout despite the bench work at  a 50 inch elevation.

Good luck with you repairs and clean-up.

Jeff N
Olathe, KS

Date: 02/04/23 10:11
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: tomstp

Ice and sleet  is more common than snow in mid Texas.  Many times we will go thru winter without snow in mid Texas but it is common in the Panhandle and South Plains...

Date: 02/04/23 12:23
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: atsf121

Ouch, glad it wasn't worse.  Good luck with the cleanup, and stay warm!

Date: 02/04/23 12:45
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: WAF

Just say a tornado hit the layout

Date: 02/04/23 13:57
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: DKay

Good luck with your repairs Shane. Hope it warms up for you soon.

Date: 02/04/23 14:08
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: TAW

WAF Wrote:
> Just say a tornado hit the layout

Paint the tornado on the backdrop


Date: 02/04/23 14:18
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: TomG

Sorry to see you got damage Shane, but on the bright side it could have been worse. Hopefully you will be able to seal the roof until permanent repairs can be made. This winter ive had 6 100 foot trees drop from snow, saturated soil and wind, but none hit anything but my fencing.

Date: 02/04/23 16:35
Re: The Iceman cometh
Author: ChrisCampi

Wow that really stinks. Hope you get your power back soon.

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