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Model Railroading > Any idea what this is?

Date: 03/18/23 06:38
Any idea what this is?
Author: CPR_4000

Someone on eBay claims this is a Broadway Limited HO locomotive. Any idea what it actually is? I'm not even sure it's HO.

Date: 03/18/23 06:45
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: pilotblue

That coupler makes me think it is O scale. Can you lay a ruler alongside the locomotive and post another picture?

Date: 03/18/23 06:57
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: CPR_4000

pilotblue Wrote:
> That coupler makes me think it is O scale. Can you
> lay a ruler alongside the locomotive and post
> another picture?

Not my model, pix from ebay. I thought the same about the coupler, especially since they're truck mounted, but look at the weave of the fabric. Looks like a placemat so I don't think it's O. Somebody had a remote control coupler in HO, was it MTH? Not that they ever made anything as toylike as this. Or did they?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 07:04 by CPR_4000.

Date: 03/18/23 07:08
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: MrMRL

Appears to be an old(er) MTH O-scale model... the third rail power pickups are visible below each silver truck.


later runs improved the trucks.

~ Mr. MRL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 07:17 by MrMRL.

Date: 03/18/23 07:39
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: Lighter

> but look at the weave of the fabric.
> Looks like a placemat

Very out-of-date carpet.

Date: 03/18/23 09:22
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: salsamaker57

Looks like it has an SD45 body, but dash-2 trucks.  Strange.

Date: 03/18/23 09:26
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: PasadenaSub

Also the swiveling steps on the ends are another tell-tale of being O gauge - for navigating sharp curves.

MrMRL Wrote:
> Appears to be an old(er) MTH O-scale model... the
> third rail power pickups are visible below each
> silver truck.
> https://mthtrains.com/20-2107-0
> later runs improved the trucks.
> ~ Mr. MRL

Date: 03/18/23 10:17
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: CPR_4000

Thanks, guys. Thought maybe MTH but couldn't find the exact "model." Er, toy. :-)

Date: 03/20/23 11:33
Re: Any idea what this is?
Author: MP4093

There was a prototype for this that EMD used as a demo. Athearn released it in HO about the same time the real one was out in the late 60's.

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