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Model Railroading > Not my proudest accomplishment......

Date: 03/25/23 15:27
Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: LarryDoyle

.... but, it works. Very well, in fact.

Had to cram this turnout into an industrial area. It takes up all the room available to get to several customers.

Handlaid. I figure the frog angle as 1.4

Let's see some of your compromises.


Date: 03/25/23 17:26
Re: Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: SeaboardMan

Looks good to me.

Date: 03/25/23 17:35
Re: Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: LarryDoyle


I can say that I can run anything over it and still keep the shiny side down.



Date: 03/26/23 07:00
Re: Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: atsf121

Nice work Larry, that's a tight fit!

Date: 03/26/23 10:09
Re: Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: TAW

Old days railroad engineering. Today, a request to serve that industry would be met with - not possible.


Date: 03/27/23 00:34
Re: Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: LarryDoyle


That's hand filed .250" nickle silver rail, hand spiked, 1 3/4 inch gauge.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/23 18:11 by LarryDoyle.

Date: 03/27/23 17:59
Re: Not my proudest accomplishment......
Author: SALGUY

If it works, it's good.  It really is that simple.  Well done. 


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