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Model Railroading > N Vandy tender

Date: 05/23/23 13:27
N Vandy tender
Author: dragoon

does anyone make a vanderbilt tender for N scale that looks reasonably like one of SP's? thanks!

Date: 05/24/23 09:31
Re: N Vandy tender
Author: BNModeler

Try Dimi Trains

Date: 05/24/23 13:21
Re: N Vandy tender
Author: dragoon

thanks for helping BNModeler

Dimi is long gone, and the vandy tender kits invisible right now
did some more searching and found Concor made one for their northerns, and it kind of looks like it can be worked into an SP version.

Date: 05/24/23 15:38
Re: N Vandy tender
Author: wabash2800

Perhaps the Dimi Trains tender will show up on eBay. Just about everything does. Set up a search for Dimi Trains there and you'll be notified if anything shows up.

Victor Baird

Date: 05/24/23 21:03
Re: N Vandy tender
Author: dragoon

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Perhaps the Dimi Trains tender will show up on
> eBay. Just about everything does. Set up a search
> for Dimi Trains there and you'll be notified if
> anything shows up.
> Victor Baird

sure, why not? thank you

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