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Model Railroading > What does it mean

Date: 09/09/23 13:05
What does it mean
Author: Highhood

When separately you speed match 2 dcc engines to the same speed but when you put them on the track togeather and consist them together one runs perfectly and the other stands still ?

Tia for your responses

Jon Fink
Schenectady, NY

Date: 09/09/23 14:30
Re: What does it mean
Author: ChrisCampi

Try selecting the road number of the one that didn't move. If you can move it under its normal address, the consist method didn't take.

Date: 09/10/23 21:57
Re: What does it mean
Author: atsf121

ChrisCampi Wrote:
> Try selecting the road number of the one that
> didn't move. If you can move it under its normal
> address, the consist method didn't take.

Agreed, I've done that a couple of times myself.  Had to redo the consist and then things worked just fine.


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