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Model Railroading > Grand Road Trains

Date: 02/19/24 15:28
Grand Road Trains
Author: grandroad

As most modelers know if you don't practice your craft you can get a little rusty. I hadn't taken any photos since before Christmas so I got out all the equipment and shot a few. 

1. The RODNEX (Roseville to Denver Expedited)  power is entering the Terror Creek deck bridge. The train has 46 cars and power in in a 3x2x0 DP configuration. The deep hood signals are scratch built.
2. The PODNAR {Portland to Denver Auto Racks) is on a fill. The 20 car train has a 3x0x1 DP consist.

Paul Brennecke
Golden, CO

Date: 02/19/24 18:54
Re: Grand Road Trains
Author: NiagaraMike

Terrific layout-well done!

Date: 02/20/24 00:04
Re: Grand Road Trains
Author: funnelfan

Since you are using SP style symbols, you really should rechristen the RODNEX as the Rocky Mountain Express in the spirit of the SP Pacific Coast Express (LAPCX / PTPCX). The Rocky Mountain Express could be symboled DVRMX / RVRMX. Cool photos, but I would love to see a video of the 46 car train.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

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