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Model Railroading > Rapido's BCR M420W's modelsDate: 02/21/24 13:53 Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: DGOLDE I was just looking at Rapido's website video on the new M420W and M420B models. It seems that BCR M420W models are missing an highly visible detail on the left front of the fuel tank. When these units were built back in 1973 all eight of the units were built with what I can best describe as enclosed tool boxes on the left front of the left side of the fuel tank. Over the years only one of the eight units lost this detail BCR 641. BCR 641 lost this detail some time before 1985 for some reason the fuel tank is like the one shown on the model in the video. All the other units had this detail until the units were painted R/W/B. The one unit not painted R/W/B was unit number 645 which was painted in the last Z green scheme with white stripes on the nose and rear of the long hood. This unit had this box detail until the end. Of the other six units painted R/W/B three units 642, 644, and 646 has a notch in the fuel tank where the boxes were at. Two units 640 and 647 still had the boxes when painted R/W/B. I know that 643 had the two boxes when the unit was in the last green scheme but I am not sure if when the unit was painted R/W/B whether the unit still had the boxes or had the notch.
All of the above is based on a few photos in a couple of BCR books for as build details of these eight units. All the details regarding these units are from the many photos I took of each of these units between August 1985 and August 1997. If you would like to see some of these photos please look at the Flickr photo website under my name dwgolde. For those of you who are not concerned about how accurate your $350 models are you need read no further. I would like to note that I tried to inform Rapido when these BCR models were announced about the detail differences between the actual units. Yes, I did offer photos to Rapido and I did post for other many these photos on Flickr. I received no feedback from Rapido. When the owner of Rapido Jason announced the Rapido website to point out errors or omissions that we could see from what was posted on the Rapido website regarding Rapido I sent Rapido an e-mail on February 1, 2024 with my comments regarding the fuel tanks details and in the e-mail I attached photos of there BCR units 642, 646, and 647 showing the details I referring to. As of today I have received no feed back. I would included these photos on this site but the file site is too large for this site. I am not sure what I am going to do about my order of three of the BCR M420W and M420B models in the last green scheme. If the detail I am talking about is available from Kasco models or some other source I will most likely purchase the models and purchase the detail parts and correct my models. I hope that those who care about purchasing models that are as close to prototype will find this message useful. For those who do not please please kept your negative comments to yourself. Date: 02/21/24 16:14 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: needles_sub What they say and what they do never comes together. Think of politicians at election time.
Date: 02/21/24 19:56 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: mvrr10 Try to have some faith in the Rapido crew, they don't miss much.
Date: 02/21/24 20:04 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: TCnR Kaslo Shops has the fuel tank on their website but the box doesn't show on the photos.
Thanks for posting your photos on Flicker. Date: 02/21/24 21:11 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: TomG Shouldn't you wait till you actually have the models before you bitch? You're complaining about Rapido over a video and not models in hand. If you have ever bought a Rapido model you would know they do include a crazy amount of details in a bag. Before you blast them on what they didnt do, you shouldn't speculate that they havent.
Furthermore dont give your negative view and tell others they shouldn't have the same right. Date: 02/22/24 04:47 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: hoggerdoug I'm thinking the "box" referred to, held grease for flange lubrication. Not a very successful idea....
Date: 02/22/24 06:31 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: sixaxlecentury mvrr10 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Try to have some faith in the Rapido crew, they > don't miss much. No, they miss quite a bit actually, even when being told of it ahead of time. Date: 02/22/24 06:52 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: Typhoon TomG Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Shouldn't you wait till you actually have the > models before you bitch? You're complaining about > Rapido over a video and not models in hand. If you > have ever bought a Rapido model you would know > they do include a crazy amount of details in a > bag. Before you blast them on what they didnt do, > you shouldn't speculate that they havent. > Furthermore dont give your negative view and tell > others they shouldn't have the same right. Add in that this his second post about those models in the last month, it seems like there is more to the story, Date: 02/22/24 06:57 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: mvrr10 When you have the unit perhaps we'll hear more about your BCR issues ,theP&W units appear fine- as built and with later mods.
Date: 02/23/24 01:17 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: DGOLDE Question do you really want to have paid over $900.00 for three model and have them in hand and then find out that the models are missing details the Rapido was told about over a year ago?
Yes, I have purchased two Rapido CN M420W's and was not impressed by their bag of parts and the second model I purchased number 3560 the top of radiator area needs to be corrected. Rapido was was told about this error by another modeller, Jeremy MacPherson, who has corrected his models. If you go on Flickr and looked CNNUT Jeremy MacPherson you will find photos of Jeremy's excellent CN M420W models both the finished models and how he changed his 2500 series models to 3500 series models and how he corrected the top of the radiator area. Date: 02/23/24 07:41 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: Typhoon DGOLDE Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Question do you really want to have paid over > $900.00 for three model and have them in hand and > then find out that the models are missing details > the Rapido was told about over a year ago? > > Then cancel you order and wash your hands of it. Date: 02/23/24 08:50 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: Lighter > Then cancel your order and wash your hands of it.
Or learn how to adjust details for a specific year and day. Suggestions have already been given in this thread. There is just too much agony over something minor. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/24 08:56 by Lighter. Date: 02/23/24 09:46 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: PHall Lighter Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > Then cancel your order and wash your hands of > it. > > Or learn how to adjust details for a specific year > and day. Suggestions have already been given in > this thread. There is just too much agony over > something minor. Oh you mean actually do some modelling? Date: 02/23/24 18:39 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: DGOLDE Yes, I know how to model and I know how to add details. I would fine doing so if the model came like a tank or airplane kit where you assemble all the pieces with ail the detail parts for difference time periods or versions which have been included in the kit except for some etching parts that only a handful people will use. Of sort you will still have to paint the model. Lastly these excellent kits except for ship kits rarely cost more than $100.00.
In the case of the Rapido's BCR and CN M420Ws and M420Bs their website says that all the details will match the prototype. All I am asking Rapido or someone who has seen the samples is to answer my question regarding the fuel tank details. And since Rapido is asking for our input if we find a possible errors in details as presented on their website. Unless you want BCR M420W number 641 all the other seven units either had the box on the left side front of the fuel tank or in the case of the units painted R/W/B two units still had the box, 640 and 647, and three units had the notch 642, 644, and 646. The only unit I don't know if the unit kept the box is 643 since I only ever photographed in the last green scheme. Unit 645 has the box and was painted in the last green scheme. Please remember that the price of these painted models is $360.00 and the Rapido website said that they would produce correct models for difference eras. As for someone's simple answer saying I could just cancel my order. Yes I could but I have always wanted models of the CN and BCR M420W's and BCR M420Bs. And if Kaslo Shops has the detail part for the fuel tank I will purchase the models and make correction as needed. Maybe Rapido and the other companies in the model train hobby need to do is offer their models in unassembled kits so that modellers can make the model as detailed and correct to the real locomotives and cars as they want. Date: 02/23/24 21:51 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: ACR_Ted 643 does not have the box in the photo I have of it in r/w/b dated 10-7-1998 ... FYI.
Ted Date: 02/23/24 22:22 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: TomG Jeezo pete, get over it. We all want the perfect model, but thats just not practical to the nats ass. I don't think there is a perfect model out there as there are just to many variables and only so much you can do and still make a profit. Failure to do so and your at a loss and then there will be no product. Again you are bitching without knowing if it has your silly little part that has caused you to loose your mind.
If I were to throw a tantrum over what might happen or over artwork, I would be crying that the WP GP40s are not going to include rerail frogs since they are not on the artwork. They are on the CN unit, but not the WP unit. OK, the WP units came from the factory with them painted yellow and then ended up grubby or missing. The hooks still remained. Now if they don't include them, should I throw a tantrum, or be happy they did WP units with correct number boards and headlights. A first. I can add them if they dont include them and even at 350 bucks I will sleep like a baby. Bottom line, I have to wait till I have them in my hands before I complain what they might or might not have. Here is a photo with rerails and in the number Rapido is doing. The M420W is beaufiful, be thankful they made it. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/24 22:31 by TomG. Date: 02/24/24 10:08 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: Typhoon DGOLDE Wrote:
> Please remember that the price of these painted > models is $360.00 We are aware, since you include the price in each post. > > As for someone's simple answer saying I could just > cancel my order. Yes I could but I have always > wanted models of the CN and BCR M420W's and BCR > M420Bs. So then you take what you can get. >And if Kaslo Shops has the detail part for > the fuel tank I will purchase the models and make > correction as needed. Good to hear, then there isn't an issue. >Maybe Rapido and the other > companies in the model train hobby need to do is > offer their models in unassembled kits so that > modellers can make the model as detailed and > correct to the real locomotives and cars as they > want. Or they do what they are doing, and MODELERS can modify them as they see fit. Coming assembled does not restrict a modeler from doing exactly what you are looking for. Date: 02/24/24 12:53 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: TomG If they made a kit with a box full of pieces, you would complain that it isnt painted. If if the whole box of pieces were painted, you'd complaing that it cost 900 bucks. The labor in painting pieces would never be cost effective.
Date: 02/25/24 19:16 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: DGOLDE How wrong you are. You shouldn't make comments about a person whom you do not know.
I would much prefer putting a kit together because when you built it yourself you can add as many or as few detail parts as you want. In the old days Athearn and most of the other model train companies offered painted kits along with the undecorated model kits. The only painted kits I had ever purchased was a few box cars in the 1970's. The only reason we have assemled and painted kits today is that number of companies in the late 1980's and 1990's had started producing kits that you had to assemble and paint. They were easy kits to assemble but far to many people didn't have the time to assemble and paint all the models the needed for their layout. Then some smart person at Intermountain I think thought maybe I have my kits assemled and painted in China or some other low wage country and I will sell more models. At first these assemled kits sold slowly because of the price but then people with model layouts figured out it was easier to paid $4,000 for a 100 hundred cars that all that was needed was to weather the cars and add Kadee couplers. By the early 2000's the assmbled market had the biggest share of the market. Date: 02/25/24 19:29 Re: Rapido's BCR M420W's models Author: mvrr10 OK?