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Model Railroading > ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer

Date: 02/21/24 22:31
ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: MrMRL

An HO scale freight car model I realistially thought I'd never-ever see mass-produced... Below, a few random iPhone 14 images of the HO scale ScaleTrains 82' Mechanical Reefer for BNSF...


Date: 02/21/24 22:31
Re: ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: MrMRL

& yes, The AC unit lights up, when activated on sound equipped models...

Mr. MRL ~ happy modeling...

Date: 02/21/24 22:38
Re: ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: Grizz

Those models look great They really did a good job with them.  Even better without graffiti.  

The 72' Super Reefers were a definite game changer for the perishable business.  As example, claims went from 5% to zero (during the first two years of operation). And, the icicles were inspired by the reefer-roadrailer train, that BNSF operated.  The decals were kinda pricey, so they weren't included in the last order 

Date: 02/22/24 14:06
Re: ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: DKay

very nice Robbie. Expecting mine any day now. 
4:50pm  27th. Just unpacked mine. Those are amazing. 


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/24 21:51 by DKay.

Date: 02/22/24 18:30
Re: ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: atsf121

Those look amazing!

Date: 02/25/24 20:10
Re: ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: ATSF_Cliff

I have 4 or 5 'N' scale cars on order, a couple of them with sound.  Be nifty if the refers units have status lights like these.

Cliff Rutherford
Grain Valley, MO

Date: 02/26/24 05:51
Re: ScaleTrains Trinity 82' Mech. Reefer
Author: BrianK

ATSF_Cliff Wrote:
> I have 4 or 5 'N' scale cars on order, a couple of
> them with sound.  Be nifty if the refers units
> have status lights like these.

Unfortunately, ST posted on one of their Facebook feeds that they won't have the reefer status lights due to space in the N Scale cars. 

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