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Model Railroading > Walthers mainline new CB&Q 40ft boxcar 910-1205,1206,1207 color?

Date: 02/22/24 19:30
Walthers mainline new CB&Q 40ft boxcar 910-1205,1206,1207 color?
Author: Burlington67

 Walthers is good on not doing thinks right these cars should be Chinese red the car is some type of a dark brown don't let their photo fool ya on their website I don't know where they came up with this color? I pre-order all 3 cars went to get them at my local hobby shop today they are pretty good I did not have to purchased them..  This wanted let anybody who may have interest in these cars you can make your own judgement.  

Date: 02/23/24 08:44
Re: Walthers mainline new CB&Q 40ft boxcar 910-1205,1206,1207 col
Author: Lighter

Brown as built.  Red ten years later. Then green.

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