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Model Railroading > Local passenger trains

Date: 02/23/24 15:53
Local passenger trains
Author: bobdavis

On the HO scale PRR Blue Mountain Division, trains 425/426 are the all-stops local passenger trains handling mostly mail and express traffic with a single coach for the few passengers.  The attached picture taken a few years ago shows eastbound 426 arriving at "Bayfield", the largest town on the modeled portion of the imaginary PRR secondary main line.  A pair of Alco PAs are in charge of nine cars.  425 and 426 usually set off and/or pick up one or two mail/express cars at Bayfield.  The PAs are Proto 2000s dating back to the late 1990s.  I replaced the original high-current-draw motors before installing DCC decoders.  The sound decoder in one unit has since failed and the units have been replaced with a Rapido PA/PB set.


Date: 02/23/24 21:44
Re: Local passenger trains
Author: railstiesballast

You were smarter than me, I let that high current motor eat up my Tsumami before I changed motors.
Mail trains are interesting and were real money makers on the RRs.  A lot of their passengers were pass riders, employees could not ride for free on the premier trains.
I had some interesting conversations on them, on the SP and Santa Fe.

Date: 02/24/24 17:56
Re: Local passenger trains
Author: atsf121

Well crafted scene!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 02/25/24 07:32
Re: Local passenger trains
Author: King_Coal

Nice scene. Would you share how you did the buildings along the backdrop? Looks great.

Date: 02/25/24 09:34
Re: Local passenger trains
Author: tomstp

The weathering on the brick bildings is great.  Nice looking scene too.

Date: 02/25/24 16:55
Re: Local passenger trains
Author: bobdavis

The building flats came from an outfit called "King Mill".  They're simply printed on sheets of heavy paper.  Unfortunately, I don't think the company is in business any more but possibly you could find them on eBay.  I did that backdrop over ten years ago, hard to believe.  I'm attaching three pictures - one of the product just unpacked, then one of the old backdrop with the King Mill flats in place, then one of the finished product with photo backdrops from Realistic Backgrounds added.  I mounted the flats on 1/4 inch black foam board to make them stand out a bit from the wall.  After ten years they're still in place although I've had to fix some separation of the paper and foam board due to the glue I used apparently drying out over time.


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