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Model Railroading > Prairie Shadows CN Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers

Date: 02/24/24 13:14
Prairie Shadows CN Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers
Author: andrewcastle

Prairie Shadows Model Railway Co. is currently shipping their HO scale Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers decorated for Canadian National. The models have a build date of 1995-1996, since I model CN in 1997 and live about an hour away from the site of the old Trenton Works plant I had to have a couple.

I painted the trucks and couplers on my cars and gave them a light weathering to represent two years in service. They are beautiful models, one car had a couple of stirrups glued on a bit crooked and the other one had no issues at all. High marks for design and decoration. The cars come with Kadee 158 couplers installed so that was a bonus.

Thanks for looking.

Andrew C

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/24 13:18 by andrewcastle.

Date: 02/24/24 22:41
Re: Prairie Shadows CN Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers
Author: MrMRL

Thank you Andrew for the reminder about these hoppers! I just placed an order for 6 models.

~ Mr. MRL

Date: 02/25/24 06:28
Re: Prairie Shadows CN Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers
Author: bnsf6606

Nice car except too bad they did not incloude etched metal walkways 

Date: 02/25/24 07:25
Re: Prairie Shadows CN Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers
Author: andrewcastle

The walkways are indeed etched metal.

Andrew C

Date: 02/26/24 15:10
Re: Prairie Shadows CN Trenton Works 5250 covered hoppers
Author: dmaffei

Nice job. Only top notch modelers paint couplers...And know how to paint them so they work correctly.  I think it looks great and is easy to do while weathering..

andrewcastle Wrote:
> I painted the trucks and couplers on my cars and
> gave them a light weathering to represent two
> years in service. 

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