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Model Railroading > Pacific Model Loggers' Congress models ...

Date: 02/25/24 17:02
Pacific Model Loggers' Congress models ...
Author: Jeff_Johnston

I hope you guys are busy with your Pacific Model Loggers' Congress contest models. I have two Sugar Pine Lumber Company/Willamette electric donkeys in the works, a 300 hp yarder and 75 hp duplex loader. The tedious part is finished -- adding the cables -- so the rest should go smoothly. Maybe.

The unpainted grey-primered engine at right is for the electric McGiffert loader. These machines are available from Shapeways.

Jeff Johnston


Date: 02/26/24 16:56
Re: Pacific Model Loggers' Congress models ...
Author: Jeff_Johnston

Every scratchbuilding project is a fascinating series of problem solving and figuring out how to get the pieces together the right way when you don't have the advantage of tab-and-slot type assembly. In this case it's the framing and supports for the roof.


Date: 02/26/24 20:05
Re: Pacific Model Loggers' Congress models ...
Author: Jeff_Johnston

More scratching: The brass dice, which we use as weights and assembly holders, provide the 90-degree surface for holding the platform legs upright while the glue dries. The platform boards are secured with tape secured sticky-side-out, and the diagonal braces help hold the legs in place. The carpenter's glue is tacky enough to secure the small bits until the glue dries.


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