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Model Railroading > new help identifying these O scale cars

Date: 02/25/24 19:04
new help identifying these O scale cars
Author: Charls

Hi all, anyone would know the origin or manufacturere of those cars, they are 2 rails o scale, no markings, all have the same type of trucks and couplers but for the depresssed car,  the frames are wood but sides are metals, and some like the hopper have good details so these are not home made, could they be Athearn I seems to remember reading that Athearn did some o scale at one time. anyway any help would be appreciated

Date: 02/25/24 19:21
Re: new help identifying these O scale cars
Author: CPR_4000

Scratchbuilt looks like to me.

Date: 02/25/24 21:07
Re: new help identifying these O scale cars
Author: wabash2800

Maybe, but many of the very early kits were rather crude.

Victor Baird

Date: 02/26/24 02:33
Re: new help identifying these O scale cars
Author: Lighter

> Maybe, but many of the very early kits were rather
> crude.

Athearn 1950s O scale model kits were not that crude, even with iffy assembly. Roofs, ends, and doors were pressed tinplate with sharp detail. Certainly, some other kit makers were not so good.

These look like scratch built models built from articles from Lionel's house publication - "Model Builder."

Date: 02/26/24 14:30
Re: new help identifying these O scale cars
Author: Charls

Do you have any link to theses Lionel Model builder articles, the gonds (3) have metals tabs all in the excat loc to hold the sides so seems to me someting was pre-done/cast. The trucks also, any idea of manufactureres as they are excatly alike and metals

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