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Model Railroading > Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...

Date: 09/28/24 13:49
Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...
Author: rosenth

The new Piko Krauss-Maffei arrived.... :-) Just wonderfull!

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Date: 09/28/24 15:01
Re: Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...
Author: SPDRGWfan

It looks like in the first video, it is crossing over 3 ExactRail Rio Grande bridges like this one only a triple play!

I've only got one of the Krause Maffei's so far - at $350 a pop, and with a boat load of Rio Grande stuff due this fall I'm pacing myself!   But I would like to get more.

Nice series of video's.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/24 07:19 by SPDRGWfan.

Date: 09/28/24 18:39
Re: Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...
Author: boejoe

Thanks for the videos.

Date: 09/29/24 10:35
Re: Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...
Author: RailRat

Great stuff there!
I once had a few Bachmann Proto 2000 (?) E-6 HO UP engines with very realistic rotating headlights. I was amazed how the forward projected beam even rotated around on whatever it was shining on to, just like the real thing. I have no idea how they accomplished that?

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

Date: 09/29/24 14:13
Re: Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...
Author: TomG

Those are some cool looking units. Jim is that photo based on a particular modeled scene on the RG?

Date: 09/29/24 16:21
Re: Piko Krauss-Maffei's arrived today...
Author: SPDRGWfan

TomG Wrote:
> Those are some cool looking units. Jim is that
> photo based on a particular modeled scene on the
> RG?

Since space it tight, there aren't any scenes model after anything specific, but going for desert scenery west of Grand Junction.

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