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Model Railroading > The Brass and the Dodgers

Date: 11/12/24 06:12
The Brass and the Dodgers
Author: funnelfan

When you are working a Dodger (local), you'd best make sure you are damn well clear of the mainline when the Brass are coming through on their train! The Caldwell Model RR Club had their last prototype operating session for the year on Saturday. We use a car card system, timetable and train orders issued by the dispatcher. So even if you have authority to be on the mainline, you still need to clear for scheduled trains. I ran several trains, including a transfer job I didn't get a photo of.
 Next we have to prepare for three Saturday open houses in a row starting Nov 30th.

1. Boise Turn working the yard in downtown Boise. Need a larger freighthouse here for all the business they have. I finally got my Rapido and Athearn Genesis GP38's to play nice together, and they made a excellent pair for this job.

2. The Boise Turn often turns into the Burke Turn with a run out the Burke branch. But the train is only going as far as Falcon as construction has the line out of service beyond that point.

3. Burke Turn about to enter one of the tunnels on the branch.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/24 14:00 by funnelfan.

Date: 11/12/24 06:14
Re: The Brass and the Dodgers
Author: funnelfan

4. UP Director's Special crossing the Payette River coming into Cascade.

5. UP Director's Special passing through the mountains.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 11/12/24 06:17
Re: The Brass and the Dodgers
Author: funnelfan

6. Finishing up the Wilder Turn that someone else started but couldn't finish. Switching at the large Simplot plant near Caldwell on the branch. The Wilder Turn is the hardest local on the railroad, which is why I like it.

7. When work is done on the Wilder Branch, it requires somewhat complicated moves at Caldwell to get pointed in the right direction for the trip back to Nampa Yard (very unlike the prototype that is simple move on or off the mainline). But nothing on the layout is in the right geographic order, so things get interesting.
Trains come off the Wilder branch onto the far mainline at the switch just behind the lead locomotive. Then the train needs to pull all the way through town to clear the crossovers at the far end of town and back onto the near mainline. After the train is on the near main, the cars need to be between switches so that the locomotives can run through the siding on this side of the mainline to run around the cars. This train was a tight fit and barely squeezed in between the turnouts. You also need to get the caboose on the right end so the rear brakeman and line back switches. Now the train is ready for a set and release and head down the mainline to tie up in Nampa Yard.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/24 14:03 by funnelfan.

Date: 11/12/24 06:44
Re: The Brass and the Dodgers
Author: jdtravis

Love this stuff Ted. The E7s are a favorite of mine.

Date: 11/12/24 09:16
Re: The Brass and the Dodgers
Author: callen77

Very cool sequence and explanation! This would be a fun challenge to work on.

Date: 11/12/24 09:45
Re: The Brass and the Dodgers
Author: SPDRGWfan

Always enjoy your photos for me "west fix".

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