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Model Railroading > Sequential signaling on the layout?

Date: 11/12/24 06:55
Sequential signaling on the layout?
Author: calsubd

Automatic? Aduino or manual Rotary switch ? or other, Q 2 those darn Tomar 4 position switch mounting , standard wall mount light switch plate?, TIA , Ed

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

Date: 11/12/24 10:12
Re: Sequential signaling on the layout?
Author: JUTower

Recommend you buy the Kalmbach (ahem Firecrown) book on Model Railroad Signalling, by Dave Abeles.  Pretty much tells you what you need to know.

If you're looking for prototype operation, probably JMRI + Loconet or look into LCC.
If you're looking for simple/automatic, there are other options.  

Date: 11/12/24 11:22
Re: Sequential signaling on the layout?
Author: calsubd

Tkank you JUTower

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

Date: 11/12/24 19:05
Re: Sequential signaling on the layout?
Author: atsf121

Second the book recommendation, it’s been really useful. Another option, Atlas has a signal system that might work for you. If you are doing anything modular related, the https://modularsignalsystem.info/ is worth a look.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/12/24 20:49
Re: Sequential signaling on the layout?
Author: TomG

Speaking of Dave Abeles, has anyone heard from him in awhile? I have enjoyed updates on his Conrail OggyDoggy division. Been quiet for quite some time.
I also agree, Dave's book is a must read.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/24 20:50 by TomG.

Date: 11/16/24 12:13
Re: Sequential signaling on the layout?
Author: JUTower

I think he's doing well, judging by his blog.  https://onondagacutoff.blogspot.com/

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