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Model Railroading > Rapido Amtrak F40PH Custom HEP Sound

Date: 11/15/24 21:05
Rapido Amtrak F40PH Custom HEP Sound
Author: kecarden

Here my latest Amtrak F40 HEP sound file for the Loksound 5 decoder which was created from 3 different YouTube videos, still have to do some tweaking on the file. Also going to try to incorporate the GP40-2 sound file that I created for my Conrail GP40's and SD40-2's. Since they both use the same block , even though the Amtrak 645 block sounds a little different from the ones use in the freight engines because of the mods it still better then the ESU not to knock it ESU itself, and I been around these things a lot and the Loksound file does not sound close to them. Again not bashing them because overall their files are nice. And also this is the 3rd unit that I am planning on super detailing on. Sorry for the background noises that you hear it the furnace.  Belived me both files sound better in person, done from a IPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/24 21:20 by kecarden.

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Date: 11/15/24 21:08
Re: Rapido Amtrak F40PH Custom HEP Sound
Author: kecarden

Here the custom sound file for my Conrail GP40-2's and SD40-2's for Loksound V5

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