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Model Railroading > What is the yellow thing

Date: 11/30/24 06:38
What is the yellow thing
Author: Highhood

Under the walkway on the end of the long hood. 
realy detracts from the overall looks of the unit ( in my opinion ). 

Jon Fink
Schenectady, NY

Date: 11/30/24 06:54
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: calsubd

That forward UFO headlight got me,, 

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

Date: 11/30/24 06:54
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: 3rdswitch

A rerailing frog.

Date: 11/30/24 07:13
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: SPDRGWfan

Those "yellow things" are re-railers used by the Rio Grande to get an errant wheel back on the rails and were standard on mainline diesels.  Rio Grande used that type, sometimes referred to as butterfly IIRC, and around 1979 they switched to the McCarty type of re-railer which can be seen on the ScaleTrains GP30's.

Those yellow things are prototypical, but if you don't like them I suppose you could remove them.  If you don't want yours I'd gladly take them off your hands - I'll pay postage.

Jim Fitch

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/24 10:20 by SPDRGWfan.

Date: 11/30/24 07:33
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: KA7008

How they look in use...

Date: 11/30/24 07:38
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: sarailfan

Highhood Wrote:
> Under the walkway on the end of the long hood. 
> realy detracts from the overall looks of the unit
> ( in my opinion ). 

A little weathering to tone down the bright yellow and it'll blend in much better.

Posted from Android

Darren Boes
Lethbridge, AB
Southern Alberta Railfan

Date: 11/30/24 08:07
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: KA7008

That was always a distinctive DRGW detail.  I'm very happy that Scale Trains included that.

Date: 11/30/24 09:24
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: wpdude

Back in the days, a crew could re-rail it's own boo-boo.

Date: 11/30/24 12:07
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: boejoe

How much did the re-rail frog weigh?

Date: 11/30/24 12:22
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: Highhood

boejoe Wrote:
> How much did the re-rail frog weigh?
> jb

looks like at least 40 pounds 

Jon Fink
Schenectady, NY

Date: 11/30/24 21:42
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: Earlk

boejoe Wrote:
> How much did the re-rail frog weigh?
> jb
When you are trying to manhandle one under a derailed locomotive, they weigh thousands of pounds!!!!

Date: 11/30/24 22:17
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: PHall

Highhood Wrote:
> boejoe Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How much did the re-rail frog weigh?
> > jb
> looks like at least 40 pounds 

More like 75-80 pounds. We're talking cast steel here.

Date: 12/01/24 15:43
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: koloradokid

sarailfan Wrote:
> Highhood Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Under the walkway on the end of the long
> hood. 
> > realy detracts from the overall looks of the
> unit
> > ( in my opinion ). 
> A little weathering to tone down the bright yellow
> and it'll blend in much better.
> Posted from Android

That, and I only remember them as Aspen gold to match the units.


Date: 12/01/24 16:26
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: sixaxlecentury

They are about 140lbs each.  The older ones have way more beef to them.  I can pick one end up, but not a whole one.   Beats lugging abound a pallet of blocking.  

Date: 12/02/24 16:08
Re: What is the yellow thing
Author: ChrisCampi

sixaxlecentury Wrote:
> They are about 140lbs each.  The older ones have
> way more beef to them.  I can pick one end up,
> but not a whole one.   Beats lugging abound a
> pallet of blocking.  

Interesting that those pictured are left and right rail specific. I don't recall that on those I've used before. Unlike oak blocking which doesn't care:-). Give me the re-railer anyday.

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