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Model Railroading > Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer

Date: 11/30/24 18:30
Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: AVR3001

I have a couple Intermountain wood-sided Fruit Growers Express reefers (RS) yellow with silver roofs marked "Double Deck".  I would like to know to which type of service these cars were assigned or better yet, what traffic moved in these double deck reefers.  Why double decks?  Thank you.

Date: 12/01/24 12:08
Re: Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: CPR_4000

Here's a post on the subject from the Steam Era Freight Cars group:Photo: FDEX Reefer 7063 (1953)A photo from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Libraries:https://collections.lib.uwm.edu/digital/collection/agsnorth/id/8054/rec/26Click on the arrows and scroll on the photo to enlarge it.Double deck car.These FDEX reefers had double decks permanently installed to handle loads that were easily crushed or were in consumer type packaging. Cars under these reporting marks included at least two different types of wood sheathed cars and at least one type of steel sheathed car with two different types of steel side panel construction.I wish I could share this phot with Bill Welsh, who proovided most of this information.Bob Chaparro

Date: 12/01/24 12:08
Re: Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: CPR_4000

Sorry about how everything runs together in the post above. I can't seem to edit it.

Link to the original post (good group to join):


As an aside, Snow Crop was a brand of orange juice. I remember it as frozen concentrate in small cans, as Minute Maid is still made today. I wouldn't think this car could keep a load frozen, so possibly they shipped packaged juice in bottles or cartons.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/24 12:15 by CPR_4000.

Date: 12/02/24 08:39
Re: Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: BAB

Looked at the pix wonder how hard it was to load due to inside space above and below the deck. Thanks for the post.

Date: 12/02/24 15:30
Re: Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: CPR_4000

BAB Wrote:
> Looked at the pix wonder how hard it was to load
> due to inside space above and below the deck.
> Thanks for the post.

Yeah, I was thinking the same. I wonder if the deck was actually hinged and in sections that could be lowered in place as the car was loaded.

Date: 12/02/24 16:17
Re: Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: PHall

CPR_4000 Wrote:
> BAB Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Looked at the pix wonder how hard it was to
> load
> > due to inside space above and below the deck.
> > Thanks for the post.
> Yeah, I was thinking the same. I wonder if the
> deck was actually hinged and in sections that
> could be lowered in place as the car was loaded.

That would be the only way that made sense.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/24 16:58 by PHall.

Date: 12/03/24 15:06
Re: Double Deck Wood FGEX Reefer
Author: AVR3001

Thank you.  Helpful and appreciated.  I model the PRR Pittsburgh Produce Terminal and have enjoyed learning about the different reefer fleet owners, the fruits and vegetables handled and their rail origins.  Although I have a bunch of relevant books, I never came across an explanation for double deck style commodities until now.  Thanks again.

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