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Model Railroading > N scale layout, professionally built

Date: 12/04/24 11:05
N scale layout, professionally built
Author: WrongWayMurphy

This pike was commissioned by UP many years ago, for the George W. Bush Library on the campus
of Texas A&M (insert Aggie joke here).  It was determined that the display, though very well constructed,
was a maintenance item they didn't really want.  They eventually donated it to an East Texas town with
a MOP depot that was to become a museum but to date that hasn't happened so it was in turn sent to
a railroad historical society in Palestine Tex. which is a MOP (now UP) junction town.  It is in good hands
but not in public display as of now.  

Date: 12/04/24 17:34
Re: N scale layout, professionally built
Author: DLM

I like the track plan. Lots of trains running.

Date: 12/05/24 04:20
Re: N scale layout, professionally built
Author: MrMRL

Other than adding some way to get from the mountain to the valley, nice pike for some long N-scale action.

~ Mr. MRL

Date: 12/05/24 08:50
Re: N scale layout, professionally built
Author: wabash2800

Are you going to get it in running order for them?

Date: 12/05/24 11:42
Re: N scale layout, professionally built
Author: WrongWayMurphy

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Are you going to get it in running order for
> them?

I have run a train on it, just needs track cleaned and switches oiled.  
It currently resides in a clean climate controlled warehouse space.
Once on display I will indeed get in placed into service.

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