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Model Railroading > Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit

Date: 01/01/25 09:30
Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit
Author: WrongWayMurphy

My daughter knows I like building railway car kits and usually gets
me one for Xmas even though I tell her not to get me anything.  I have 
expressed that if she does anyway, it should be a Made in USA kit.
Last years gifted kit was a LaBelle wood baggage car kit and when
pressed about this years gift I hinted that this F&C kit would be nice to
compliment last years prize.

This year she did indeed present me with this B&0 baggage car resin kit
by Funaro & Camerlengo of Pennsylvania.  The body is a one piece resin casting
and required minimal clean-up.  The real work is in the underbody details which
was somewhat of a challenge, lots of small parts and wire bending.  The trucks are
quite unique and consist of well crafted metal castings that bolt together with metal
wheelsets that roll very well.  The only external add-on is the American Models
diaphragms.  Im not sure how old this particular kit is, but the decals seemed old.  
The instructions showed a gold stripe wrapping the model at the belt rail, but the
striping decals fell apart when I tried to slide them off the backing.  The letters and
numbers were fine and slid off in tact.  I will probably get some gold stripes in the near
future, next time I run across some.  There are no hobby stores in my part of East Texas.

Anyway, I got it licked and today placed in the consist of the Texas & Gulf mail train.

Date: 01/01/25 10:11
Re: Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit
Author: NiagaraMike

Nicely done!

Date: 01/01/25 13:14
Re: Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit
Author: icancmp193

Challenging kits. I've managed to build a B&O wagon-top covered hopper car, but have yet to paint and decal it.


Date: 01/01/25 16:09
Re: Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit
Author: BNModeler

very nice!!

Date: 01/01/25 16:11
Re: Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit
Author: wabash2800

Great job. It's nice that most of the resin kits now are one-piece bodies. I remember building them with all flat pieces and perhaps a molded roof, and it could be challenging. What did you use to clean the castings before painting?

Victor Baird

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/25 20:52 by wabash2800.

Date: 01/01/25 16:22
Re: Funaro and Camerlengo resin kit
Author: ALCO630

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Great job. It's nice that most of the resin kits
> now are one piece bodies. I remember building t
> them with all flat pieces and perhaps a modled
> roof, and it could be challenging. What did you
> use to clean the castings before painting.
> Victor Baird

I haven’t built a resin kit in quite some time, but I used to do a light sandblasting to give some tooth for glue joints and paint followed by a very thorough washing with warm water and dawn dish detergent.

Posted from iPhone

Doug Wetherhold
Macungie, PA

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