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Model Railroading > Rapido is looking to hire an email dudeDate: 01/06/25 12:31 Rapido is looking to hire an email dude Author: rapidotrains Hi all,
If you've read our Christmas newsletter, you'll know that Rapido has grown quite a bit and we've struggled to keep up with customer communication. Here's that newsletter: (my essay is at the bottom) https://conta.cc/3PdzItc We're looking for someone who can do an hour or two a day of emails from home to help us reply to our customers in a more timely manner. While the subject line says "email dude" we of course would be happy to hire a dudette. If you're interested, you need to have a decent command of English language/grammar, and you have to be somewhat technically minded in terms of both Rapido products and model railroading in general. You'd need to be very comfortable in a DCC environment and recognize that CV does not just stand for Central Vermont... Obviously, we're looking for a train nerd. You also have to be calm. We don't want to hire that angry guy on Friends played by Ben Stiller. Our customers would not respond well to that... If you think you can help out, please send me a PM and I will connect you with Nat, our marketing manager. Please remember to include your full contact info, name and email. I can't ask Nat to hire someone named TrainsIsAwesome2257. In the longer term, we're looking for someone full time to work from our Markham office doing customer service, model train photography and some social media. In case you know anyone... Thanks and regards, Jason |