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Model Railroading > In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful

Date: 01/21/25 15:24
In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful
Author: grandroad

Like most of the country that is not on fire it is really cold outside. So in the town of Terror Creek which is in the basement it is 71 degrees, the wind is not blowing and I don't have to look for sucker holes to take photos.
1. The Terror Creek engine house with both Grand Road and Union Pacific ES44AC's awaiting their next assignment.
2. Amtrak No. 6 is climbing behind the TC depot on a little more cloudy sky.
3. The LADNST (Los Angles to Denver Stack Train) is pulling into TC on its way to cross the Continental divide and glide down into Denver. Power is 3x2x1 moving 43 wells.

The Grand Road is N scale in a 9'x13' room modeling about two miles of mainline in the Colorado Rockies. All of these photos were taken with an iPhone using CameraPixels and PSE.
Thanks for looking .

Paul Brennecke
Golden, CO

Date: 01/21/25 16:38
Re: In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful
Author: Pattenburg

Very nice!

Date: 01/22/25 04:31
Re: In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful
Author: SPDRGWfan

Backdrops are very pretty!

Date: 01/22/25 06:56
Re: In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful
Author: dragoon

I can feel the vibe here

N scale isn't for super detailing unless you have real good eyes, but then you have to have real good eyes to nitpick

N scale is for long trains and stunning scenery

congrats, you win on both

Date: 01/22/25 07:12
Re: In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful
Author: callen77

dragoon Wrote:
> I can feel the vibe here
> N scale isn't for super detailing unless you have
> real good eyes, but then you have to have real
> good eyes to nitpick
> N scale is for long trains and stunning scenery
> congrats, you win on both

I agree. As I get older, HO scale, which I modeled in my youth, now seems tiny to me. N scale is just, wow. Hard to believe. 

Date: 01/24/25 15:04
Re: In Terror Creek it's 71 degrees and Beautiful
Author: up421

grandroad Wrote:
> The Grand Road is N scale in a 9'x13' room
> modeling about two miles of mainline in the
> Colorado Rockies. All of these photos were taken
> with an iPhone using CameraPixels and PSE.
> Thanks for looking .

Paul, thank you for the information on your beautiful layout.  For a long time I have wondered about the dimensions of the layout and you have answered that unasked question.

I've enjoyed the photos that you have posted over the years.

Great work and great photography too.


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