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Model Railroading > Central Camp Progress, part 2.

Date: 01/22/25 14:07
Central Camp Progress, part 2.
Author: Jeff_Johnston

The Central Camp portion of our Sugar Pine Lumber Company layout was built back around the early 1990s. The rails have already had a serious deep cleaning and next up on the agenda is fine tuning and some minor modifications based on what we’re learned since those early days as well as technical advancements since then. And next, finally, is scenery.
One job is removing the under-track uncoupling magnets that are not needed. Kind of a chore digging them out from under the track, but it’s a good thing I didn’t glue the magnets to the tie strips, so they slide out “fairly” easily once one side of the Homasote has been cut away.
Almost all switches are powered by Tortoise machines. The original plan was the Tortoise contacts would power the points and frogs on the Shinohara switches, but I’m changing most of them over to Frog Juicer power for the isolated frogs, so a few gaps will need to be relocated. Fine-tuning to get things running smoothly.

Jeff Johnston


Date: 01/23/25 14:02
Re: Central Camp Progress, part 2.
Author: ChrisCampi

Looking good Jeff  I'm curious about why you choose to gap your frogs so far back from the heel. Is there an advantage?

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