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Model Railroading > Info needed on HO Atlas Kaiser Aluminum hopper

Date: 01/23/25 08:39
Info needed on HO Atlas Kaiser Aluminum hopper
Author: SimpleMoMike

I am looking for more prototype information on this HO scale Atlas ACF 6 bay cylindrical hopper painted for Kaiser Aluminum. So far all I have found is ACF built these from 1961-64, 288 were aluminum body and 917 were steel body with 3960 cuft capacity. Were the Kaiser ones aluminum or steel? Any one have a prototype dimensions?

Thanks in advance for any additional information.

Michael Mickens
Placerville, CA

Date: 01/23/25 09:11
Re: Info needed on HO Atlas Kaiser Aluminum hopper
Author: MrMRL

Here's a prototype photo from 30+ years ago, and a little car info.


~ Mr. MRL

Date: 01/24/25 13:23
Re: Info needed on HO Atlas Kaiser Aluminum hopper
Author: koloradokid

MrMRL Wrote:
> Here's a prototype photo from 30+ years ago, and a
> little car info.
> https://www.railcarphotos.com/PhotoDetails.php?Pho
> toID=47336
> ~ Mr. MRL

The light weight of only 46,000 pounds screams aluminum to me.  Great info Mr. MRL.


Date: 01/24/25 17:48
Re: Info needed on HO Atlas Kaiser Aluminum hopper
Author: funnelfan

koloradokid Wrote:
> The light weight of only 46,000 pounds screams
> aluminum to me.  Great info Mr. MRL.

No kidding, steel hoppers like this are closer to 35 tons, not 23 tons. Aluminum is a good bet, but something you would expect of a Aluminum Company.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

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