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Model Railroading > Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box Car

Date: 01/24/25 18:27
Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box Car
Author: TangentScaleModels

From the Amherst Railway Society 2025 Railroad Hobby Show in West Springfield, MA:  Tangent Scale Models is pleased to announce the availability today of our latest run of the legendary Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) Shops HO Scale X58 Class Box Car.  Between 1964 and 1966, the Pennsylvania Railroad built a large fleet of new multiple-purpose boxcars at their Samuel Rea Shops in Hollidaysburg, PA.  Constructed as class “X58,” PRR rapidly produced 2,565 cars, plus another 100 for Lehigh Valley.  PRR outfitted the interiors of some cars with “loader” appliances and/or insulation which resulted in PRR designating 4 sub-classes: X58, X58A, X58B, and X58C.  Being highly-useful boxcars, X58 boxcars were rampant nationwide roamers during their service life.  Many X58s lasted beyond the Conrail era.  Most cars were retired in the mid-2000s. 
Tangent offers distinctive phase and era variations with our PRR X58 replicas, including high or low ladders, high or low brake appliances, Keystone or Hydra-cushion underframes and all-new 50’ Stanray diagonal panel roof system with prototype options.  Our PRR X58 includes our “near-scale” extended-length draft sill with beautifully rendered side “key” detail and gorgeous “trombone-style” coupler lift bars, plus accurate ASF 70-ton roller bearing trucks as utilized by PRR.  Finally, our scale replicas operate as well as they look, equipped with free-rolling CNC-machined wheels and Kadee® scale couplers, meaning our models are truly ready-to-run.
Available NOW at www.tangentscalemodels.com in these thirteen new RTR and two Undecorated RTR scheme offerings:
PRR “Original 12-1965 X58B SL” wears the attractive “PRR freight car red” scheme featuring yellow “Cushioned Car” stencils, plus a sharp PRR white keystone.  This prototype group of cars was equipped with Transco’s Stage Loading belt rail system and feature the distinctive large yellow “SL” on the sides of the cars.  Like PRR paint practices, this car has an unpainted galvanized roof and running board, except for the ends that have the characteristic paint spray line as seen in overhead photos of these cars when fresh.  And don’t forget to check out that all-new Stanray 50’ roof with Apex running board!  This new run of PRR cars is a new paint scheme variation we have not yet offered, and has a Keystone underframe and represents production from December of 1965.  This PRR Delivery scheme is available in 6 road numbers.  SKU 14026
PRR “PC-Era X58B SL w/Green Door 1974+” shows later-era changes for a specific X58B under Penn Central ownership.  This 1966-built box car has made it into 1974, wearing its original PRR scheme and reporting marks.  However, Penn Central has worked on the car along the way, resulting in changes.  The doors have been repainted/replaced by PC.  The roof walkway has been removed, and the roof mounted brackets have been torched off.  These roof changes are carefully replicated with our all-new Stanray 50’ roof tooling and detail options.  The brake wheel stayed in its factory-applied, high position after the shop work, correct for this prototype.  The paint job details reflect over 8 years of use, including specifically-patched capacity data, the previously mentioned PC green doors, ACI label additions, accurate 1974 COTS data and miscellaneous patches.  All of these details on the model are photo specific.  This PRR box car is available in one correct road number for the PC 1974+ era.  SKU 14027-01
PC “X58B Patch SL 1974+” shows another group of PC cars for the 1974+ era.  These specific December 1965-built PRR cars received modifications in 1974, including PC green patch reporting marks and removal of the roof walkway.  Photos for these specific cars should the roof walkway brackets were left in place.  This is a detail we have carefully executed, with our all-new Stanray roof and fine etched roof walkway brackets.  The B-end brake wheel stayed in its factory-applied, high position after the shop work.  Each of these cars is based on a prototype photo, so the paint patches, ACI labels, COTS boxes and PC-related data changes are different on all three cars!  These PC patch beauties are available in three accurate road numbers.  SKU 14028
PC “X58 Patch LD 1976+” gives PC and CR modelers another variation of PC patches for an ex-PRR Delivery scheme.  This pair of cars is pulled from the October 1965 PRR X58 group and feature brown PC lettering patches, repainted brown doors and with the ex-PRR “LD” and “Cushioned Underframe” yellow lettering.  The roof walkway has been removed, leaving the beautiful etched brackets, along with the high ladder and corner grab iron on the roof corner.  This patch version was done in March of 1976 – very late for the PC era!  (And of course, also perfect for the CR era.)  All of the accurate data is present for the 1976 era, including ACI label and distinctive PC style COTS boxes.  Available in two road numbers.  SKU 14029
PC “X58A Repaint 1972+” replicates the full PC green repaints from the era.  In 1972, Penn Central was fully repainting box cars, including lowering the brake wheel during roof modifications.  These models feature a roof with the running board removed and the roof walkway brackets remain in the interior positions.  The Penn Central lettering is stacked vertically on the left and the right side of the car features the “small” PC logo that fits between the exterior posts of the box car.  1972-appropriate data includes ACI label, early single panel lube plate and PC accurate paint stencil code.  The lettering also features an accurate return route box to the PC RR in Buffalo, NY (likely in palletized auto parts service)  This group of X58A models feature Keystone Center-Of-Car-Cushion underframes.  This sharp scheme is available in three road numbers.  SKU 14030
PC “X58B Diesel Shop Service 1971+” represents one of our most-requested paint schemes for our X58 box car.  In 1971, Penn Central assigned a single X58B box car to its Collinwood, Ohio Diesel Locomotive Shops in Cleveland, OH.  It was repainted a very light gray (off-white!) with stacked black Penn Central lettering and a large black PC logo that spans 3 panels of the box car side.  The model features a Keystone cushion underframe, lowered brake wheel and lowered ladders, as modified by Penn Central.  In the world of PC paint schemes, this one is definitely falls into the “unique” category.  This Penn Central Diesel Shop Service box car is available in one accurate number.  SKU 14031-01
CR " X58 Green Repaint 1976+ " introduces the early Conrail era in 1976.  While not widely known, Conrail’s first paint scheme was an all-green body and simple graphics.  This is not an ex-PC patch, but rather a solid green paint job applied in April of 1976 by Conrail (just days after the merger!)  The model features a Hydra-Cushion underframe, lowered brake wheel/ladder appliances, and the roof walkway has been removed.  These features of the model match the prototype photo.  This example of early Conrail green is available in two car numbers.  SKU 14032
CR " X58B Meadville Repaint 1977+" gives Conrail modelers a stunning red scheme selection.  Ask any CR fan: the ex-EL Meadville, PA shop just had their own way of painting things.  Look at the larger bold CONRAIL on the left and the smaller CR logo to the right.  If you peek closely, you will notice that these Meadville repaints even use Erie Lackawanna-style stencils for the CAPY data.  The walkway up on the roof has been removed, but the safety appliances and brake wheel are still mounted high on the B-end of the car.  The ten-foot sliding door even has the auxiliary crank (“third arm”) installed up high, correct for the era and prototype.  The model features a Keystone cushion underframe.  We are pleased to offer this very Meadville Conrail scheme in three numbers.  SKU 14033
NS "Tool Car" give the contemporary NS modelers a reason to pay attention.  This ex-CR X58 box car was assigned to NS Maintenance-Of-Way service sometime around 2005 and was painted in an ultra-simple gray paint job.  The lettering is also very interesting.  This car maintained its “old” CR number, but received what we might call a “non-standard” condensed NS logo and stripes.  Although we are pretty sure no one will ever notice this, we actually mimicked the letter “N” graphic application and how it doesn’t wrap down the sides of the box car post that it is lettered on.  Check out the prototype photo on our website!  The model features lowered ladders, brake appliances and a Hydra-Cushion underframe.  This one distinctive car number is ready to move on your next NS MOW train.  SKU 14034-01
CR "Safety-On-Rails-Theater" 1992+" replicates a one-of-a-kind CR paint job.  With a logo panel applied by CR’s Philadelphia Division at Pavonia Yard (Camden, NJ), this box car made its debut in August of 1992.  The paint scheme celebrates the Philadelphia Division’s dedication to rail and grade crossing safety.  The prototype car included an interior outfitted with instructional materials for safety presentations.  The HO model focuses on the outside, with an accurate paint job for its initial debut, including a carefully reproduced and exact Conrail Philadelphia logo panel and Operation Lifesaver logos on the doors.  The roof has been painted white on this model, matching the distinctive prototype.  The model features a Keystone underframe and lowered brake wheel and safety appliances.  We are offering this scheme in one prototypical number. SKU 14035-01
LV “Original 12-1965 X58B” replicates the Lehigh Valley’s second group of X58 cars (and not yet offered by Tangent, until today!) from the PRR Samuel Rea Shops.  These 60 cars were built in early December 1965, classed as X58B and wore the attractive black and white Lehigh Valley paint scheme.   The LV scheme is a good example of “classy” as you notice the side grab irons (“ladders”) are painted black against the white sides along with the red LV flag painted across the ten-foot plug door.  The models are sharp, equipped with accurate Keystone cushion underframes and Apex-style roof walkways.  We are releasing twelve (yes, 12!) individual car numbers, with each individual car number researched to include accurate return route lettering as used by the Lehigh Valley.  Modelers take careful notice that many of these cars return home to non-LV roads! 
  • SKUs -01 through -04 are lettered return to Reading Company West Trenton, New Jersey including that distinctive T-diamond mark.
  • SKU -05 is lettered return to C&O Midland, Michigan. 
  • SKUs -06 through -07 are lettered return to LV RR Niagara Falls, New York. 
  • SKUs -08 and -12 are lettered return to GTW RR, Otterburn, Michigan, with the distinctive “O” mark. 
  • SKUs -09 through -11 are lettered return to LV RR Oak Island, New Jersey.
These cars will be hot.  Don’t miss all 12 numbers!  SKU 14036
CR "X58B Ex-LV Patch 1978+" represents another all-new CR era patch scheme for this release!  This car has most of the Lehigh Valley graphics patched out by Conrail’s ex-Reading PA shops personnel.  The model features all of these patches, carefully replicated.  Yes, each side is different, to match prototype photos.  Additional new data matches CR practices: reweigh data, COTS boxes, U-1 inspection dots and “Keep off roof” stencils.  Yes, the model even has the auxiliary arm crank (“third arm”) installed correctly on the door, correct for this era.  This is a sharp patch scheme.  We know the LV guys have to look away, but for everyone else: do not miss it!  We are pleased to offer this ex-LV patch in one exact road number.  SKU 14037-01
PC “X58B Diesel Shop Service CR Era 1976+” represents an important variation of a much-requested paint scheme for our X58 box car.  In 1971, Penn Central assigned a single X58B box car to its Collinwood, Ohio Diesel Locomotive Shops in Cleveland, OH.  It was repainted a very light gray (off-white!) with stacked black Penn Central lettering and a large black PC logo that spans 3 panels of the box car side.  The model features a Keystone cushion underframe, lowered brake wheel and lowered ladders, as modified by Penn Central.  This version of the scheme is aimed at Conrail modelers, 1976+.  What does that mean?  Well, if you ask any self-respecting CR modeler, they will gently remind you that this box car received a primer red door, on one side only!  So of course, we have to offer this version too!  Along with the new door, we have also added the 1976+ CR COTS boxes seen in photos.  This CR-era Penn Central Diesel Shop Service box car is available in one accurate number. SKU 14038-01
Along with the RTR schemes above, we are releasing two RTR painted but unlettered options for custom projects:
RTR Painted "PRR Freight Car Red" w/Keystone Underframe gives modelers some much needed attention.  This is a PRR painted and assembled RTR car – all it needs is decals to model your favorite PRR scheme, patch variation, or your own home road.  This build features full running boards, high ladders, high factory-configuration brake equipment, and a Keystone cushion underframe.  Excellent PRR decals are also available – see our website for details.  SKU 14005-02
RTR Painted "PC Green" w/Keystone Underframe is another example of a one-night modeling project.  This is a PC Green painted and assembled RTR car – all it needs is decals to model your favorite PC scheme variation or your own home road.  This build features etched roof walkway  brackets only, low ladders, lowered brake equipment and a Keystone underframe.  Multiple variations of excellent PC decals are also available – see our website for details. SKU 14006-01
Besides the RTR cars, we are also very pleased to introduce our All-New 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof System, with roof walkway/bracket options!  Each roof is assembled, unpainted, with roof walkway or bracket options installed.  These roofs are the new standard for all of your projects – whether you are building something new or updating other brands!
TSM-1152 - 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof w/ Apex Roofwalk
                        (yes, includes a beautiful, straight, see-through Apex roofwalk!)
TSM-1153 - 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof w/ Morton Roofwalk
                        (yes, includes a beautiful, straight, see-through Morton Uni-Wing Flange roofwalk!)
TSM-1154 - 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof w/ Cut-down Roof Brackets
                        (walkway brackets that have been torched off but the remnants are still visible!)
TSM-1155 - - 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof w/ Full Roof Brackets
                        (full walkway brackets still visible, except the end bracket on each end!)
TSM-1156 - 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof w/ Full Roof Brackets
                        (full walkway brackets still visible!)
TSM-1157 - 50’ Stanray Diagonal Panel Overhanging Roof
                        (Post-1966 roof that never had a roofwalk!)
Want to see photos of our new spectacular replicas?
See http://www.tangentscalemodels.com for a link to the new models!
We studied the prototype to accurately reproduce it with the following features:

- Dimensionally-correct exterior post box car with trademark 1960s design features, produced from actual PRR blueprints and from photos and measurements taken from a real X58 at the Danbury Rail Museum in Danbury CT
- Different roof, brake appliance, side/end ladder, and center door arm variations correct for the era / paint scheme of each paint scheme
- Two different underframe variations: hydra-cushion and keystone
- All-New Stanray 50’ Diagonal Panel Roof System design, tooling and options.
- Separate door rods and door roller detail
- “See-through” running board and crossover platform
- Full “lacy” AB brake detail and train air line
- Highly correct “true to life” colors
- “Hyper-Accurate” lettering including exact fonts and lettering placement
- Durable wire grab irons and “trombone-style” coupler lift bars
- Separate air hoses
- “Near-scale” extended draft gear box with beautifully rendered side “key” detail
- Kadee® “scale-head” couplers
- CNC-machined 33” wheels in ASF 70-ton “Ride Control” roller bearing trucks, matching PRR practice 
- Replacement 33” semi-scale wheels are available separately from Tangent
- Recommended age 14 years and older
Don’t miss out on the Tangent Scale Models PRR X58 series box car.  Priced at $48.95 each, these replicas are very useful for modelers from coast to coast and will stand out well on any layout from 1965 to 2005!
That wraps up our update for today, and thank you for supporting the family-owned businesses in our industry! 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/25 12:27 by TangentScaleModels.

Date: 01/24/25 18:28
Re: Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box
Author: TangentScaleModels

Thank you for allowing us to post.

Date: 01/24/25 18:29
Re: Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box
Author: TangentScaleModels

Thank you again for allowing us to post.

Date: 01/24/25 18:30
Re: Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box
Author: TangentScaleModels

Thank you so much for allowing us to post.

Date: 01/24/25 18:30
Re: Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box
Author: TangentScaleModels

Thank you for allowing us to post, as always.

Date: 02/06/25 20:03
Re: Tangent Scale Models January Release: PRR Shops X58 Class Box
Author: jdiamond76

Once again Tangent has proved that a well detailed railroad specific boxcar can be made for UNDER $60 unlike certain manufacturers who seem unwilling to do so. yes Moloco, the sideeye is directed to you.

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