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Model Railroading > More questions on Bowser F paint color tonesDate: 01/30/25 10:19 More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: ATSFSuperCap A few days ago there was a post from a TOer that got NYO&W F3's, new run from Bowser. He stated the gray was way too dark and when speaking to Bowser they claimed it was fine. Now I have only seen the Bowser provided photos of this run of F's for sale on Ebay, but I agree that the gray looks way too dark for NYO&W. But you can add the UP painted units with the giant snow plow, that gray is absolutely WAY too dark. Then the red on the Rock Island units does not look correct either. In fact I would add the UP yellow as being wrong as well. Then I looked at again Bowser pics not seller pics of the Santa Fe Yellowbonnet F9's and the yellow band across the bottom is not perfectly straight as it should be. So the question is are these Bowser photos showing the true color tones and masking or were they pre production models. In any case I am not going to buy them sight unseen and cancelled my Santa Fe F9's, and what about the lack of stainless grills and the openings behind the grills. That old Stewart F unit line was absolutely state of the art 30 years ago and now they sorely behind in detail. If anyone has pics of these please put them up here on TO.
Richard. Date: 01/30/25 10:58 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: jejhnsn Good job destroying the entire run! Do you have anything good to say?
Date: 01/30/25 13:20 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: grahamline Anybody have accurate color balanced photos of the actual production units?
Date: 01/30/25 13:31 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: nydepot As discussed on many forums, Bowser-provided photos are very dark and the balance is off. First noted in the RS-3 photos they posted to Facebook. Models were nothing like the coilor of the photos. In fact, the models were correct in real life. I would not rely on any Bowser photo, including ones the sellers may use on eBay. See them for yourself.
No need for panicing or alarming everyone. Date: 01/30/25 15:48 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: ATSFSuperCap Ok, this is the answer I was looking for. As I clearly stated perhaps the Bowser photos were not accurate. No panic, no trashing the entire run, just looking for an answer plain and simple.
Date: 01/31/25 05:47 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: superfleet Has anyone received these new Bowser releases so that they might take pictures and post them to show us more accurate representations of the color matches? I am also considering some of these but am mislead by the Bowser images.
Thanks, Dan Date: 01/31/25 12:19 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: ChrisCampi An SP&S fan was purchasing an F unit today at our local hobby shop. He gave it a thumbs up on the color.
Date: 02/01/25 13:03 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: RRBMail jejhnsn Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Good job destroying the entire run! Do you have > anything good to say? The B&M units look OK, but there are obvious issues with some of the other units. No body is perfect but at $300+ one expects more. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 13:04 by RRBMail. Date: 02/02/25 10:15 Re: More questions on Bowser F paint color tones Author: steeplecab > An SP&S fan was purchasing an F unit today at our local hobby shop. He gave it a
> thumbs up on the color. That's good to hear. I have C415s on order! |